Jun 2, 2019


I've been pondering . . . Who do I want to
be when I grow up? Sometimes it seems
like I've been trying to grow up my entire
life, and other times, it seems I strive to
remain that innocent child that none of us
can be any more. And, not to forget . . .
I'm the most unbalanced Libra I've ever
known! So, can I use that to my advantage?
Can one side of the scale remain the eternal
child? And the other, a truly grownup adult?

My child within, needs to believe in people.
She wants to play in the dirt and be called
in for dinner. This little girl longs to be held,
rocked and sung to, even put to bed from
time to time (w/a side of cookies and milk!).

The grownup (most wretched four-letter
word I've ever known) needs to step up
to the plate, get over herself, learn to cope,
go the distance, to say nothing of losing the
anxiety and depression that plague her.

So, back to the pondering . . . seems to be
about as likely as winning the lotto .  . .
Where's Wonder Woman when I need her?!

to grow up or not
shall i finally give in
not bloody likely

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