Jun 13, 2019


Who is my tribe . . . quest of the ages . . .

Yesterday, a friend of mine posed this
question and without a doubt, it bears
pondering. Obviously, many people are
close to family, and most likely, especially
close to certain members of the family . . .
never to forget those precious, personal
relationships with our children. But, what
about friends? Are we still close to those
childhood playmates of yesteryear? Have
we made new buddies at the workplace?
What about neighbors? And let's remember,
the different meeting places for spiritual
sustenance often bring like minds together.
Alas, I imagine all of us have known the
betrayal of someone we considered a close
friend. But, for the most part, I believe we
have those special few in our lives that
truly matter. Let's safeguard them.

who belongs to me
i will ever cherish you
take care of my heart

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