Jun 18, 2019


I've been thinking of the rain of late.
It abounds, doesn't it?! We had to run
into the cabin three times with reoccurring
bouts of rain during our do on Sunday. I
read an anonymous bit of wisdom this
morning, "The rain falls because the cloud
can no longer handle the weight. The tears
fall because the heart can no longer handle
the pain." Rather poignant, isn't it?! I can
remember as a child, my gran used to tell
me that the rain was the angels' tears
falling to earth. It comforted me somehow;
shame we have to grow up. Truly, I am
grateful for the rain; we much needed it . . .
and as I understand, we have a higher
volume of water than in the last several
years. Still, I find myself ready for
Summer's hot days; do come soon!

rain rain go away
come again another day
babe boys want to play

*This English language rhyme can be dated
to at least the 17th century with James Howell
in his collection of proverbs. Wikipedia

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