Jun 16, 2019


Me thinks we spend most of our lives
getting ready. Upon awaking, it's a
mad dash to the shower, finding suitable
clothes, locating keys and it's off to the
next assignment. Once home, it's opening
the refrigerator to see what falls out and
on to getting ready for the evening. Is it
a party? A dinner date? A convention?
Whatever it is, it needs getting ready for.
I love the Buddhist concept of living in
the moment . . . yet I'm coming to believe
our culture is all about getting ready for
the next date, the next deal, the next
appointment . . . no living in the moment
available. Alas, I'm off and running as I
have a do today . . . must get ready . . .

lets see whats up next
spend my life getting ready
only death brings rest

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