Jun 4, 2019


Now that I'm nigh onto a hundred . . .
make that 70 . . . I yearn to learn . . .
and one of the things I wish to learn is
how to let go. I actually find it strange
that I've never learned, never known
how. Obviously, as time goes by, things
are set aside, forgotten even. But if the
issue is brought up, there's all of those
old feelings again. I see illustrations of
a person dragging the stones of their
hangings on behind them, of people
being weighed down by their sorrows,
losses and fears. I've come to suspect
that if these are not dealt with, not let go,
the one to pay the price is ME. Help!
How did you learn? What's the secret?
What is the process? Please share . . .

so wish to let go
but wanting is not enough
must learn the how to

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