Jun 15, 2019


Sometimes I say there are things I must
master before I die. But, for the most part,
I would truly like to learn, understand and
overcome certain issues before I turn 70.
Seventy is a good number, a lucky number
even. It's not necessarily that I feel I need
to finally grow up, I would just like to have
my shit together on some level before my
birthday! Some of the things lie 'mongst the
silly, like losing a bit of weight and getting
a new haircut. But, others are important . . .
have one less drink too many, always say a
kind word, try to understand where the other
guy is coming from, up my patience and
tolerance levels, not worry that my belief
system is different from others, getting my
priorities straight! Me thinks, I'll sit for a
while out under my fave tree, smoke me
a fine cigar, and ponder the inevitable!

truly wish to learn
spirit willing flesh is weak
don't want to grow up

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