Feb 28, 2019


John Rohn tells us that discipline is the bridge
between goals and accomplishment. I've been
thinking, always a dangerous prospect, that I've
had just about as much discipline as I can deal
with at nigh onto 70 years of age. Me thinks 'tis
time to be away with the fairies for a while! The
gods only know what can of worms I'm opening
up with a statement like that, but I find I'm
rather tired, if not downright exhausted, from
being an adult for so long. Perhaps a hiatus in
time is just what the doctor ordered! Endless
days of sunshine, a plethora of mind boggling
sunsets, birds chirping in the background, music
softly playing, walks along the beach, a few
gourmet meals and a tad of red wine. Alas, I
fear I have just described Nirvana; I pray this
doesn't translate as an invitation to Neverland!

ever so tired
aint no rest for the wicked
longing for sunsets

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