Feb 14, 2019

02/14/19 - Valentine's Day

I imagine many tend to think of
Valentine's Day as a commemoration
of our beloved, those with whom we
have a close spousal type relationship.
In Spanish, Valentine's Day is, Día de
la Amistad, which literally means, Day
of Friendship. Somehow, I like that
better! Remember back when we were
kids and we gave out these cute little
valentines to everyone . . . along with
little heart candies?! I so miss that!
My guy woke me up with a kiss and a
Happy Valentine's Day this morning. I
have a card for him . . . and best of all,
we're spending the day with his family.
Love is grand . . . but nothing in the
entire universe compares to real
friendship. Happy Valentine's Day!

friendship most priceless
praises songs hearts and flowers
grandest love of all

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