Feb 26, 2019


Moving in . . . moving out . . . MOVING!!!
I hark back to the first time I moved when I
left home to go to boarding school at 14. I think
I moved in, in about 15 or 20 minutes. As I got
older and became possession heavy, I could still
get settled anywhere from a week or two. We
moved into this tiny 120 year old cabin exactly
14 months ago and I just started putting away
the last box. I say 'putting away', what I really
mean . . . stare at it hard enough and pray it just
disappears on its own!!! We've all heard our
elders make statements along the line of, "You
spend the first part of your life accumulating and
the last part of your life eliminating. I've hated
learning the truth of this old adage! I've always
been 'treasure' oriented, nothing to do with
belongings or an attraction to wealth. So, I will
stipulate that it's much more difficult to bid adieu
to my treasures! I'm probably more along the line
of being 'space poor and treasure rich'! Perhaps,
I'll go to my grave with this one last box . . .

striving to settle
creating a hearth and home
building a homestead

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