Feb 1, 2019


Baby it's cold outside . . . if the song is to be
believed! I've been reading on the news about
all time temp lows and the subsequent deaths.
Wondrous stories about a man who paid hotel
rooms for 70 homeless as well as a group of
good samaritans passing out blankets to street
people all over town. What is it about the cold
that inspires in us generosity? Perhaps, the
icicles of our hearts melt in empathy with the
cold we feel in our souls. One of my friends
shared with me a story about her dad. Seems
he buys men's coats at second hand stores,
puts a $5 spot in one pocket, a sandwich in
another, a pair of gloves in one and a beer
in the fourth. I believe this to be one of the
greatest acts of kindness I've ever heard. It's
practical as well as completely non-judgmental.
Me thinks we should all take a page out of his
book and sally forth and conquer . . .

its so cold outside
even my soul is frozen
togetherness warms

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