Feb 6, 2019


Missing may be the saddest word in the
English language. Of late, it seems there
are more missing children than ever. This
has to be the saddest missing of all! There
are missing husbands and missing wives.
Missing funds, missing moments in time . . .
missing, missing, missing! I have to as,
"What is missing in me?" The question
is both valid and important. And perhaps,
the answer, even more so. Am I missing
the point of what you're trying to tell me?
Is light missing in my soul? Am I missing
precious moments with my children? Has
missing become the norm, the usual, rather
that the rare and once in a while?! I truly
believe I need to contemplate the question
and watch out for the answers.

missing in action
pray i ever be present
my soul so needs this

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