Feb 15, 2019


Yesterday, my guy gifted me a day such
as never before. He drove us up to a fab
Boulder brewery and treated lunch and
a flight of beers, a la tasting mode. The
place was nice, the food delicious, the
beer incredible, the flight fun . . . and the
service was out of this world. And, we
even got to see the kids, which is always
a treat. It's hard to believe we owe the
brouhaha of Valentine's Day to a priest
sentenced to death for his stance on
marriage. Add in that said sentence was
a three-way killing and I'm not quite sure
how this makes me feel about our yearly
celebrations. Still, bottom line . . . love
matters and friendship is one of the most
important relationships in the world.
Will we ever learn?!

surprises ahoy
kisses hearts love valentines
crazed celebrations

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