Feb 4, 2019


Been pondering me some old . . . all sorts of
all things old. Old age, old friends, old cards,
old memories, old ideas, old movies, old, old,
old. I think we make a mistake, this business
of dissing the OLD! Old is a powerful thing.
Frankly, it's a shame that our society seems so
repelled by the idea of old. When you think
about it, old souls are a beautiful thing. Old
men tell the best tales out of school. Old wine
and aged cheese . . . one of the most fab treats
in the entire civilized world. Even old money
has a certain naughty allure. And yes, I get
that one must not dwell in the past, but does
that really exclude old?! So, give me some
old. I think actually, I want this old man
lying next to me, if you will . . .

now gimme some old
find meself in love with old
old ever wins out

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