Feb 16, 2019


At 7:00 a.m. we were visited by Cernunnos
and tribe . . .  Cernunnos and nine additional
bucks. We receive these visitations daily, but
this is the first time we've had all ten at once.
The buck we refer to as Cernunnos, is a five
horn. Several had four; there were a couple
of twos and one, only a few months old. Las
but not least, one of our regulars with one
antler only. We can't help but wonder if we'll
find the other once the snow melts. We were
blest to stand at the window and watch them
at play, enjoying the treats my guy puts out
for them. I truly believe I'm the luckiest gal
in the world to be living at The Lady Hekate!

watching bucks at play
an unusual sight indeed
a gift from the gods

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