Aug 29, 2018


What is it about a secret that so entices?
Must be the nature of the beast because
everyone loves a secret. We enjoy having
a secret, hearing a secret and telling them
as well. There's simply something delicious
about them. "You can't tell anyone, but I
have a crush!" . . . "You're the first to now,
but keep it under your hat as I haven't even
told my husband yet." . . . "Oh, I'm ever so
excited, I think I'm pregnant." . . . "I think
I'm getting a diamond for Christmas, but
I mustn't spoil the surprise, so don't say
anything." Secrets can be fun! They can be
exciting and they can be heart-breaking.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Three can
keep a secret if two of them are dead."
Perhaps, we should endeavor to have good
secrets rather than sad secrets so we can
have the joy without the sorrow . . . and,
guess what, I have a secret . . . and I'm
not telling . . .

secrets are so fun
i wish i could tell you mine
im dying to share

If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should 
not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.
~Khalil Gibran

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