Aug 13, 2018


My prima hermana posted a pic this morning
our our aunt's 80th. Not only did it bring back
a myriad of memories, but one is reminded
of the precarities of life, if you'll forgive the
bastardization of the word! In looking at it,
I believe we've lost either four or five family
members since it was taken. I am struck by
how easily we slip into our given daily routines,
existing rather than living. I can well remember
thinking in days of yesteryear, that I would
never just exist, I would live life to the fullest!
I think I had some idea that 'twas only the
oldsters that had tiny lives and simply faded
away at some point . . . and here I am. Obviously,
shekels are an issue, to say nothing of time
constraints, health and our ever changing tastes.
Nonetheless, I appreciate the reminder that life
is to be LIVED! Best get on with it then, hadn't I?

life is to be lived
to exist is not enough
reminder needed

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