Aug 16, 2018


I find myself wondering what is the role in society
of the throwback? We elders who don't fit the norm
of today's woman . . . the healers, the protecters, the
storytellers . . . those women who hunt and gather
hers, making lotions and potions, comforters of the
soul . . . throwbacks! I have to believe that we are
each born to serve in a given place in the society to
which we were born. It's just that in a world that
worships at the altar of eternal youth, I feel as if I
were born an old woman, an elder, if you will. I'm
not complaining, just contemplating. As I draw
nearer to the latter part of my own life, I find
myself wondering about such things. There are times
I do feel as if I were born out of time and place.
Having said that, still it is my fondest desire to serve . . .
just trying to suss out the exact fit of my piece in this
grandiose puzzle that is life.

oh where is my place
i find myself a bit lost
needing to be found

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