Aug 15, 2018


Friendship on my mind . . . come February,
we will all be inundated with the subject.
Poems will be written, sentiments sung
and danced, gifts purchased and hearts
broken. But, what about real friendship,
the kind we have the other eleven months
of the year? We all experience it on different
levels. Yet, the real questions might be, how
do I participate in the act of friendship? Am
I a real friend? Am I there in times of trouble?
Or am I just that cute card kind of friend once
a year? Am I just too busy when I'm really
needed or do I make the time? Can I truly
respect myself in the line of friendship? I am
discovering the kind of friend I wish to be by
the way mine have stuck by me in times of
trouble, the way they have been there for me
in my own personal storms. I pray I can rise
to the occasion!

friendship on my mind
so hoping i can be real
only kind that rocks


On the contrary my dear. I disagree. 

Not only have you made friendship an art, 
but you've schooled and mentored the rest 
of us in that art. You've been an enduring 
example of care, generosity, and graceful hospitality. 

And you stick with friendship tenaciously! Over years, 
you keep people in your heart and in your thoughts.

Perhaps we (I, especially) haven't shown you how 
we've absorbed our lessons often enough, but I think 
the very fact that people want to visit, seek you out, 
says something important.

Please don't doubt yourself, and know that 
we don't doubt you...

Love and hugs, Sally

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