Aug 19, 2018


A glorious visit with a dear friend of yesteryear. It's not
so much that time flies when you're having fun, as the
old adage suggests . . . more along the lines of wisdom,
time stands still for no one. I find myself resentful of the
fact, like the spoiled child on verge of the tantrum most
terrible. What's the hurry? y pace has slowed, so why
can't Mr. Time lesson his speed a tad? The expression,
life in the fast lane, must have been written with oldsters
in mind as they sit on the sidelines of life and watch it
pass them by. Not to worry, my mind canters at speeds
that not even the gods can match. So, bon voyage to each
and everyone for their own journeys and destinations.

long time no see friend
find myself most curious
how time has changed us

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