Aug 18, 2018


Phenomenal woman, or should I say phenomenal WOMEN?!
We have all known, albeit man or woman, the ordinary, the
amazing, the common, the mind-blowing, the crazy, the sane.
Still, in looking back over years and the women I have known,
'tis the PHENOMENAL I wish to honor just now. That woman
who holds down three part-time jobs in order to put a roof
over her family, that woman who confronts the board, the PTA,
the powers at be, to serve and protect her special child. That
woman who drives all night after a hard day's work, to be at
the hospital where her child is confined after a horrific accident,
that woman who rises up out of the harsh world that surrounds
her, to give back to a world that has betrayed her over and over.
Pray God, that I would be such a woman before 'tis my time to
journey to the River Styx.

so honored to be
womankind most amazing
long to be worthy

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