Mar 26, 2019


"Some dance to remember,
some dance to forget." The Eagles

Walking down memory lane . . . alas,
remembering my forgetting . . . At almost
70, I find myself remembering the strangest
things at the oddest times. I can be walking
down the street, minding my own business,
when I am assailed by an unbidden memory
that can invoke either laughter or tears. Me
thinks people must look at me like I'm about
half nuts! I catch myself saying things like,
"I remember my father saying . . . " or, "Mom
used to tell . . . " I glance at some of gram's
antiques here at the cabin and am instantly
transported to memories of a time past. Not
certain if I need to make an announcement,
"I'm now officially old!" But, I'd bet my
bottom dollar, that is if I could remember
where I put it, that all and sundry already
know that . . .

tis interesting
now going separate ways
mind body and soul

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