Mar 9, 2019


I much pondered the meaning of my own
standing throughout the day yesterday. I
am indeed one woman 'mongst all women,
international or not. I am fortunate in that
my own appearance on the planet happened
in such a way that I have been able to observe
the evolution of womenkind. My mother was
part of that era where women were 'allowed'
to work outside the home. Thankfully, the stars
smiled on me and I was able to be educated,
albeit in a profession approved for women. In
my first 20 years of teaching, I was allotted a
somewhat diminished salary as female teachers
didn't earn as much as their counterparts of like
education and experience. Still, I was able to
buy my own home, provide for myself and my
children and enjoy a partner on whom I didn't
need to rely for financial support. So, what
might I say to these aspiring young women
of today? I would say this, "Honor the women
in whose footsteps you follow, who marched,
bared the breast and fought for the rights you
now enjoy so freely. They were and are some
of the most amazing entities you will ever
have the opportunity to meet!" Sheroes all!

proud of womankind
i pray i may be worthy
honored to belong

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