Mar 12, 2019


I have rejoiced in the warmth and bright sun of
these last couple of days. And now, I understand
it is to snow again n the morrow. I much value
the need for water and thank Mother Nature for
taking care of us . . . but not quite certain I can
deal with winter for much longer. As a SADS
(Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome) survivor,
and yes, I do mean survivor, I suffer greatly in
the winter months. I am grateful for the three
seasons of wonderful weather. I am thankful
for the winter holidays and the promise of its
soon ending . . . but I pray to make it through
to spring . . . Lord willing and the Devil doesn't
intervene. For now, God help me make it through
tomorrow . . .

the beauty of snow
so pristine in its delight
get thee behind me

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