Mar 18, 2019


Ever so much sorrow in the world just now.
My heart breaks even as we dance a jig and
down green beer. Have we simply closed our
minds to it? Shuttered our eyes? Sheltered
our feelings? How, oh how can I as a mature
woman, actually help at this point in my life?
Obviously, the answer would be to do something!
Do anything! So, maybe I am too old to march,
too impoverished to donate, too, too, too, too . . .
Nonetheless, I can indeed, NOT add to our many
problems. I can watch my mouth, take care in
my comments, be kinder, even write letters! If
every single sympathetic soul in the world today
would indulge others in simple acts of kindness,
to coin a phrase, goodness would prevail . . . and
I'm all for pipe dreams, make no mistake!

so not coping well
longing for world happiness
peace most important

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