Mar 16, 2019


I must be dying . . . I dreamt I threw a
surprise birthday party for my in Grand
Junction. She was alive and well, lived in
her own sweet home and was loving it.
My son Luis was providing the music along
with several friends joining in. Mom was
enjoying it throughly although she kept
mentioning she was running late for an
appointment and needed to go. Her car
was in the driveway. I sat with Martin and
we had a long, enjoyable conversation. Soon
after, I was greeted by Clyde Jenkins who
kissed my head about seven times; Ruby
just nodded sweetly. As we were sitting in
fold up chairs outside, the music attracted
the neighbors who hadn't been originally
invited. Soon, they started showing up with
covered dishes and bottles of wine . . . a
true neighborhood cul-de-sac do! I can't
help but wonder, do your minds fix? repair?
our troubled memories in our dreams? If so,
me thinks I needs go back to sleep . . .

dreamers dreaming dreams
'tis a better world in store

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