Oct 9, 2019


'Twas just the three of us yesterday . . .
toiling through years of memories
from the boarding school we attended.
Religion, work, school, friends, those
too conceited to spend time with us . . .
There was laughter, chatter, first-time
understandings, and for me, finally tears.
I had to excuse myself and have a good
cry. I imagine that each of us take that
walk down memory lane from time to
time. Indeed, those previews turned
reviews, can be hard to take. I do have
fond memories; I'm also glad I survived.
Teenagers can be cruel to each other;
perhaps, 'tis all about the lessons to be
learned for our adult futures. We all have
our learnings, our knowledge, and our
opinions. Still, tolerance, kindness and
decency go a long way in this ever so
difficult world.

return to the past
been there done that over it
don't wish to go there

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