Oct 23, 2019


I've been pondering what it is
that draws me to Face Book. It's
not really my cup of tea, per se.
But, I find I really get a kick out
of it an hour or so in the morning.
(Don't even think I'll admit to more!)
I get the whole re-connect with lost
friends and people. I chuckle over
some of the humor and quickly delete
other bits and pieces. I peruse some
of the Mexican cuisine and promise
myself to replicate some of the dishes.
I absolutely refuse to even look at
anything remotely political, although
there are a couple of friends whose
posts are truly worth the read. I've
been hacked, misquoted, shouted at,
chuckled with, as well as shared some
tears. Although I take an occasional
rest from FB, guess I'd have to admit
I'm a bit of a fan . . . go figure!

try to understand
from a fan to fanatic
get me out of here

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