Jul 28, 2019


We've been told over and over to
focus on the good things that happen
in a day rather than dwelling on the
bits and pieces of bad . . . but do we
do it? Hell no! For some unknown
reason, making it all about the bad
seems to please us. Is it because it
garners us much needed attention?
Is it simply a habit? Is it because we
don't have our priorities straight? Me
thinks we must somehow re-train our
way of thinking and reacting. I swear,
if it's the last thing I do on earth, I'm
going to get this right! To quote ole
Clint: "The good, the bad and the ugly . . ."
I'm in for the good and some other
loony tunes can have the bad and the

relearn rethink now
tis a gran necessity
in for the long haul

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