Jul 4, 2019


Maiden, mother, crone . . . who are we?
Are we the three? My daughter, myself
and my mother? Or, do the three exist
in each of us as we experience the paths
of this life? I can't help but wonder if
we don't experience all three at different
points of our lives, or even on a daily basis.
I do recognize in my own life that I have
different levels of maturity several times
a day, for different reasons. I do so love
it when my own wisdom hits me over the
head from time to time. And then, I revert
to the child within as I tantrum with the
best of them! So, do I get to choose? Or,
do I simply accept that my psyche houses
the three and get on with it?!

always a mother
so leaving the child behind
longing for the crone

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