Jul 23, 2019

07/23/19 Happy Birthday Sammy!

Obviously, there is no way to not spend
the day remembering my brother Sammy.
He was an amazing young man who faced
so many woes and fought so many battles.
He was born with a malady named Von
Recklinghausen Disease, a disease rather
like a progressive dinner party, if you will.
So rare it was at the time, that a children's
organization would actually fly the some
fifteen children in the U.S. to visit each other.
Sammy was apparently normal until he was
three at which time he stopped talking until
he was eleven. I was the only person who
could understand him; I translated for him
to my parents, his teachers and childhood
friends until that time. Deemed special ed
not being enough, he was soon cursed by
regular gran mal epileptic seizures that would
hospitalize him for a couple of weeks at a time.
One of the few great blessings of his life was
eventually studying at the Colorado Springs
School for the Deaf and Blind. He had amazing
seeing-eye dogs throughout his life, much loved
by all of us. The last addition to his very difficult
life was MS; the gods finally gave him rest just
after my son was born. i find myself sore of spirit
even in the remembering. Bless him!

my heart ever hurts
sorrow in the memories
so cannot forget

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