Jul 1, 2019


That little girl, her eyes full of starlight,
her heart filled with hope and her mind
dancing in Never Never Land; I believe
she might have been me . . . How sad
that in adulthood, we must somehow
grow into the now, accept the quote,
unquote normal and learn to behave.
I want that dreamy child, the ever . . .
That's who I want to be when I grow up.
I need to go back to believing in fairies
and magic, unlearn the fear of monsters
and nightmares. I want my daddy to hold
my hand when I'm learning something new;
I like it when my little brother claps in glee
with my successes and even my mom with
a ready hanky for my tears. Why, oh why,
did I have to spoil it all, just to grow up?!

long live my dream world
been an adult far too long
come back little girl

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