Jul 7, 2019


This morning, I've been reading about the
thrill-seeking related deaths in Colorado
that have occurred so far this year. Rather
beyond heartbreak. I have no answers, but
I do have questions. Are our lives so small
that only in seeking death do we find that
orgasmic thrill that keeps us alive?! Seems
to me that Mother Nature gifted us with that
eight-second petite mort . . . 'tis all about
proportion . . . and now we seem to want
to live there! Those eight-seconds are the
frosting on the cake, the spicy hot of delectable
food, that surprise of sweet and sour . . .
I repeat, and now we want to live there?!
There has to be something wrong with this

me seeking balance
may be the laugh of all time
still i want to try

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