May 30, 2022


Methinks 'tis six of one and 
or half a dozen of another, but . . .

I don't know if it's simply due to 
being somewhat incarcerated for
the last couple of years for fear 
of  the plague or just dumb luck . . .

One way or another, we were
watching a fun old show where
Irish Coffee was mentioned. 
Neither of us had ever had it for
whatever reason or happenstance.

Being of sound mind and up for 
whatever fun was to be had, we
decided to try it on for size . . .
at 6:00 in the evening no less.
So, who's interested in sleep,

Turned out to be truly delish. 
Wow! I actually went for round
two, although my mate was a tad
more sane and sober and stuck
to the one.

Although we tend to stick to reds
and the odd beer, we may have to
have the occasional Irish Coffee
from time to time. May we dare
you to join us from afar?!

Irish Coffee
Place in an elegant coffee cup:
     1 shot Irish cream
     1 shot Bailey's
Cover in extremely hot coffee.
Top off with a spray of whipped
cream. Salt with nutmeg. Enjoy!

Franky, there are no words . . .

Oh my God, yummmmm! If you
think I'll never have another, you
are sorely mistaken!

Sans paroles . . .


I need my fairy godmother and
I need her now!!!  Sooooo NOT

Almost certain she promised me
youth and beauty, as well as forever!
As far as I can recall, nothing was
ever said about getting older (Note
I didn't say old!) and/or painful.

There are times I wonder about
this whole aging thing . . . what 
the hell?! I'm more than a bit fed 
up with this knee and back pain!

Sooooo, when I finally grow up 
and become a proper adult, I'm 
going to be this fab old gal with 
no aches and pains. I'll go any
where I want, and I'd damn well 
be better having a grander time 
than anything else.

I have to laugh upon looking back
at my posts . . . seems I always ask
for the same things . . . picnics, rides
in the mountains, movie time . . . 
Hell, just better get on with it then!

Might just be time to wake up and
smell the goddamn coffee already!!!
Young or old, healthy or infirm, rich
or poor . . . just get fucking on with
it!!! Life won't always be here for us
sooooo let's live it already!!!

are you listening
not giving in to exist
demand daily life

May 29, 2022


I find myself angry and upset, 
anonodada, actually!!!

We've been planning for weeks,
if not longer, to get to see the
grandbabies and I have to go
and get sick!!!  Damn it all to
hell anyway!

The cough from hades, nose that
won't quit and a tad disoriented.
My bad is that I don't think I've
had enough naughty to be paying
this price.

So, as soon as I'm better, I'm 
going to do two things . . . I'm
going to make arrangements to
deliver gifts and see the kids. 
And, I'm going to see about that

Let's see . . . an afternoon under
the tree with some cold ones. An
outing to my fave Mexican café, 
a trip or two down memory lane!

Feel free to send me some bad
advice; methinks I need it one
way or another!

nobody loves me
curandera pray heal me
give me some magick

May 28, 2022


I still find myself musing over
light and dark . . . Just having 
looked at the fab side of dark, 
perhaps it's time to suss out 
the other. 

After all, Spring may finally be 
sprung although I heard a rumor
it's supposed to snow again. 
Go figure!

I find it interesting that I'm 
so in love with the moon
but moon after the sun . . .
I'm not a person who can live
without sun due to SAD.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
affects me to the point, I feared
I wouldn't make it this Winter.
And, oh such joy when sunlight 
and warmth finally arrive.

Sitting outside by the pond with
a cold beer, having an afternoon
picnic with my guy, walking to
the mailbox without getting 
frosted over, and my ever fave
rides in the mountains.

Don't those things simply spell
Spring?! Add in that I don't go
to bed so early, which makes me
believe I'm enjoying rather more
than less!

Sooooo, know I'm hell bent on
enjoying these last three weeks
of Spring and to think that . . .
Summer is only three weeks 
away. Wow! Just WOW!

loving me some sun
may i please have it year round
pray dont leave too soon

May 27, 2022


Been musing over the subject 
of light and dark . . . thinking
mostly dark here . . .

From time eternal, we are taught
that light is good and dark is bad.
And, I can certainly appreciate
why this might be the case.

Still pondering . . . I can think of
so many delicious moments in
the dark . . . the incredible beauty
of the night sky with its moon and
stars! What about the height, depth
and breadth of romance when 
occurring in the dark?

Sometimes when I need to figure
things out, there's nothing better
than a little dark. Rather helps me
concentrate. And, I seem to recall
an entirely dark room bursting w/
SURPRISE!!! Happy birthday!

Alright, I'll bite! Add in that sweet
bit of candlelight; all of a sudden
that dark becomes even more . . .

So, here's me thinking . . . I don't
think I wish to live without either
light or dark! They each have their
place, don't they?!

so love me some dark
just add in those sweet candles 
magick is afoot

May 26, 2022


"I hope to arrive to my death
late, in love, and a little drunk."

Been thinking about the D-word
of late . . . not necessarily sure
why. I know my children find it
somewhat upsetting, so I do try 
to be careful.

It's just that one way or another,
I'm on the other end of the stick.
I might add that I'm loving every
minute of it. Nothing wrong with
aging as long as there's joy in it.

Yes, I'm paying for my sins w/
knees and hip pain, but on the 
other side of the business, I find 
I enjoy every single moment this
life has to offer . . .

A trip to see the kids, a luncheon
out, a peek in a second hand store,
finding that perfect rock by the
side of the road . . . to say nothing
of those glorious stumps my girl
just gave me for the yard.

I'm looking forward to more of the
same. I don't need to travel far to
enjoy what there is to offer. Having
said that, I do understand my near 
future will be bringing me . . .

. . . those unwanted gifts of moving
slower, the need for a cane, stiff 
joints and maybe even giving up
the odd dance! God, I don't even
want to think about the stairs up to 
my bedroom!!!

Still, bottom line . . . life must be
loved, enjoyed, devoured  to the 
max . . . until death do us part . . .

loving me some life
dancing as fast as i can
pray grant me more time

May 25, 2022


"Tomorrow is another day."
~Margaret Mitchell,
Gone with the Wind, 1936

Maybe it's a good thing . . .
After bitching ad nauseam, 
these past few days of RV 
issues, money problems . . . 
and snow on top of it all . . . 
are over!

Methinks, I'll throw a party!
Weather notwithstanding, I
can send out smoke signals,
put some beans on to cook
and steal whatever I need to
make margs!!!

Might make it even more 
do-able if we call it potluck!
Even we most impoverished
can throw together the odd
dish . . .

Let's do this! We all know
that hard times demand an
open mind!!!

so hoping to make things work
make that dollar stretch

May 23, 2022

05/24/2022 - Mercury Retrograde?!

Might need to revisit my
thoughts regarding temper
tantrums . . .

We were going to visit the
children for a couple of 
days and then hit the road to 
take in another bunch of our 
kids in the opposite direction.

Alas, camping rarely gives
you a news broadcast, but our
neighbors were good enough 
to let us know we had a couple
of feet of new snow. Best to
stay where we were already.

We say our goodbyes, along
with apologies for nigh onto
overstaying our welcome . . .
Everyone being so sweet 
about it. Hit the road, Jack . . .

 . . . and promptly burn out 
the brakes and blow out a tire. 
Scary times. Tears threaten, but 
foul language tops that. Guess 
I'd just better shut the f--- up 
while I'm ahead.

Good thing number one son-in-
law is there to mitigate all those
pesky emotional responses! One
more time . . . Hit the road, Jack,
brake free and all . . .

Bad thing though . . . new tire, 
new brakes, all around that
ridiculous $1,000.00 mark, full
well knowing I only have $300.

Guess it's a good thing there's
little call for hundred year old
playmates . . . hummmmm, how
is it that I'm going to pay for 
this already?!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

May 22, 2022


Pray, Spring come again!
Sooooo NOT kidding!

Bottom line . . . I had rather
convinced myself that we
were actually in Spring, and
then a two foot snow visited
my abode!!! Go figure; my 
bad; sooooo not kidding . . .

Would I be something out of
line if I could please, oh please,
have Spring from now on? I
have these dreams . . . really?!

We're talking sun, green blossoms
forcing their way up through the
soil. Maybe even the odd flower
or two. Sooooo NOT kidding!

Bottom line . . . NEEDS me some
Spring or I'm sooooo NOT going
to make it . . . and sooooo NOT 
friggin' kidding!!!

Oh my dear Goddess . . . How the
hell am I going to make it?! Thought
maybe Spring would do it for me . . .
and then, it snowed!

God in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
sooooo wish I could live, make it . . .
rather beyond doubtful . . . sooooo NOT

lady spring pray come
im anxiously awaiting
need you more than life


We had plans for today . . . 
sooooo not kidding!

We were supposed to go
West, follow that yellow
brick road, see family of
yesteryear and catch up

Alas, Mother Nature had
other plans. Indeed, she
gifted us a couple of feet
of snow and for that I am
well pleased. But for one
thing, I find I'm missing 
my little patch up our 
mountain way!

Having said that, we've
much enjoyed our trip 
and spending family 
time on the East end  
of the state.

Just think, we would've
broken previous records
had we been able to span
both ends of I-70 in one 
fell swoop! Still, can't 
help but wonder if it's 
safe to travel yet?!

Methinks best get out 
my crystal ball and have
a proper look-see! Have 
broom will travel, right?!

missing me some sun
methinks mother got mixed up
promises of may

May 21, 2022


I would be the first to admit,
I'm sooooo not looking forward
to today.

It is a day in which we will be
saying goodbye to an old friend.
I am honored that I've been asked
to officiate at his Celebration of 
Life. That doesn't mean it isn't
hard . . . I can't even imagine how
difficult this must be for his wife 
and family!

Isn't it revealing that in spite of
all life asks us to go through, we
still find it precious and almost
impossible  to bid adieu. And at 
the end, we find ourselves crying
out for just one more day . . .

I'm coming to this understanding,
when we are asked to say good
bye to a family member, to a 
friend, we are indeed reminded 
of the priceless gift we have in 
life. Methinks we would do well 
to remember this and cherish it 
whilst we have it!

I find this as I am nearing the other
side of my own life . . . It is indeed 
a gift most precious. We would all
do well to remember this every 
single moment! I so pray I can hold 
each memory created dear to my 
heart . . .

life that precious gift
i hold you dear to my heart
treasuring ever

May 20, 2022


Who was it that said, "If you
don't like the weather in CO,
wait 15 minutes?"

We came to see the kids in
good hot margarita weather
and now it's cold, raining and
hot toddy weather! Go figure!

The bad thing is that I have
two speaking engagements
on the morrow and here's me
thinking pulling the travel
trailer in this weather might
not be such a good idea.

I can just see myself at the
pulpit with dirty camping
clothes, no shower and more
than a tad of embarrassment.

On the other hand, learning
to live with life as it is, might
be one of those things one
adapts to when a 100 years 
old or so.

Alas, I tend to sin on the side
of rather liking things to go as
planned; silly me!

Here's to whatever and hoping
to have the necessary courage
to face it . . .

open your mind gal
either rains or doesn't rain
must learn to adapt

May 19, 2022


Pondering all those little puzzle
pieces that create the whole of
our lives . . .

Those small town places we lived
as children, our first little friends,
birthday parties, small schools, 
those kid jobs of mowing lawns,
babysitting, house cleaning . . .

Going away to school, learning 
all about independence, the fun
and painful introduction to love . . .

Graduations, real jobs, settling
down, first marriage, first home,
first child. Raises, moving up in
the company, maybe even getting
fired . . .

Bigger home, second kid, maybe
an affair - not necessarily sexual, 
first divorce, end of a dream . . .

New marriage, new home, step
children, two jobs to pay for kids'
college . . .

And when you least expect it,
retirement, sore knees and hips,
thoughts of death and all the fears
that go with . . .

Writing the will, selling up, that
move into smaller, considering 
assisted living, the death of a
spouse . . .

Where did it all go? When did it
all happen? In a blink of an eye
it's all over. What the hell?

No wonder we're all a bit scared
of growing older . . .

Shaking in my boots, pray give 
me courage . . .

May 18, 2022


Each and every time I forget just
how beautiful the plains are. Or
maybe, it's simply that they have
their own sense of wonder about 

Windy by day and still by night,
thusly gifting us with one of the
most incredible sunsets ever . . .
and are far as the eye could see
in each direction. Add in the
company of family and that glass
of red and methinks we may be
in heaven! Certainly, my kind of

I find it interesting how easy it is
to forget all the amazing beauty
that surrounds us. We get bogged
down in our daily living, chores,
errands . . . and simply overlook
looking! Look up! Look out!! 
Look around!!! There is beauty
to behold!

I have this deep seated belief . . .
If we can contemplate Mother
rather than focusing on the daily
horrors of death and mayhem,
little by little we can be healed.

mother earths beauty
surrounds heart body and soul
ever so healing

May 17, 2022

05/17/2022 - Doña Clemencia

Simplemente, no puede llegar
el 17 de Mayo sin recordar a
Doña Clemen, la suegrita más
interesante del mundo . . . e
interesante es la palabra correcta.

Me encantaba verla en su tienda.
Obviamente todos los clientes le
decían Doña Clemencia en vez de
Doña Clemen o Señora Aguilar.
La trataban con reverencia aún
más que con respeto.

Siempre me parecía increible que 
permitía a los nenes de la familia 
que la ayudasen en la tienda. Ha 
de haber tenido la paciencia de los 
santos. En realidad, era una forma
de enseñanza más que ayuda.

Preparaba unos días de campo
para cuando llegáramos en el 
verano para verla a ella y Don 
Rafael. Tiro al blanco, hamacas, 
barbacoa, y otras comidas bien

Me pregunto como la familia,
y además el negocio, siguen 
sin ella. Pues, ya que ella era  
la que unía a todos, hacía que 
se cumpliera lo necesario para
que todo siguiera en orden y

La quise, respetaba, admiraba . . .
Feliz cumpleaños Doña Clemen;
me imagino que usted es la mano
derecha del Señor Dios allá en el
cielo azul . . .

May 16, 2022

05/16/2022 - Don Luis

Creo que no hay nada como 
un cumpleaños para recordarle 
a uno de la persona y el cariño 
que uno tiene para él.

Hoy celebramos el cumpleaños
del padre de mis hijos. Siempre
recuerdo tantas cosas de él, pero
hoy, aún más.

Sé que lo he dicho a gritos como
veinte mil veces que fue el mejor
profesor que jamás tuve. Ni se
imaginen a este hombre en frente
de un salón de clases. Pura magia.
Obviamente, tocó las vidas de
muchos estudiantes!

Gocé también su música. Tocaba
la guitarra y cantaba como un
ángel. Gracias a Dios, compartió
ese don con su hijo.

Pero, he de decir que la mayor
dicha fue haberme dado los dos
mejores regalos del mundo . . .
mis hijos.

No hay nada en el mundo por
igual . . . Ojalá que se de cuenta
allá en su cielo azul, que hoy le
recordamos con mucho afecto,
cariño, y respeto . . . Don Luis!

May 14, 2022

05/15/2022 - Día del Maestro

Siempre me encantó el Día del
Maestro en México. Me parece
fascinante que hay un día en
particular en que se les honra a 
nuestros profesores.

Tanto de lo que soy el día de hoy
pertenece a los que me enseñaron
día tras día, año tras año. Le ruego
a los dioses que bendicen a los que
me tuvieron en sus manos.

Mejor todavía, me dotaron con el
deseo de ser maestra yo misma.
Di clases por 17 de los 20 años que
estuve en México . . . y 23 años 
luego en los EEUU. En el décimo
que tengo de jubilada, extraño a mi
salón día tras día. Hasta sueño que
estoy enseñando todavía.

Aveces me rio de mis sueños y hay
los que hacen llorar.  De hecho, no
hay nada que extraño más que a mis
alumnos, mis estudiantes. De cuando
en cuando, tengo la dicha de recibir
una nota o un correo electrónico de
uno de ellos y se lo agradesco tanto.

Ojalá que nunca hubiese envejecida.
De otro modo estaría en el salón de
clases todavía. Menos mal que sigo
dando clases en mi casa.

Dichoso sea él que haya tenido la
gracia de ser profesor . . .

la enseñanza
compartir el conocer
don de los dones


What does it say about you?
What does it say about me?
I'm trying so hard to understand . . .

I think maybe I get it. Everything
I see and hear around me and my
reactions, depict who I truly am.

A rape, child abuse, spousal abuse,
does one just blow it off because
it's too painful to contemplate or
do you actually allow yourself to
feel the pain of another. Do we 
take a further step to see if there
is anything one can personally do
about it?

You see a child pick a dandelion
and hand it to an elder . . . can you
witness this sweet action with utter
joy? Watching innocence in a world
where it rarely exists anymore, so
moves me.

Methinks its up to us, maybe up 
to each of us, to do as much of 
the positive as we can. It may be 
the only way to counter all that 
negativity . . .

So what can I do today that might
bring a smile or two? Write a letter,
send a card, invest in some flowers,
phone a friend? Sooooo easy, and
yet, we do tend to dally about.

I swear, I'm going to get off my ass
and actually do something lovely

a phone call away
think ill pick a dandelion 
so need kindness now

May 13, 2022

05/13/2022 - Friday the 13th

I've always loved Friday the 13th!
such mystique!!! The tales told out 
of school!!! The jokes played . . .

I've been re-reading all the many
articles I've collected over time.
Best of all, stories told me over
the years from family, friends and

One of things I've heard quite a
bit from my students would be
about nightmares. But, methinks
that might be more about their
familial lore and movies watched.

I do love that my own tradition
embraces Friday the 13th in a very
positive way. We see the magick
everywhere we look. Now, if that
isn't positive, I don't know what is!

A challenge; keep your eyes open
throughout the day. See if you don't
witness something phenomenal, a
small miracle perhaps. I tend to see
them all around me, but then, I've
been seeing lo these many years!

friday the thirteenth 
long time been waiting for you
bring on your magick

May 12, 2022


Every now and then, something
happens that causes me to question
myself . . .

If I'm eating on paper plates, I use
only one, and if it doesn't get dirty,
I'll use it again. I use less toilet
paper than more, I may use half
the laundry soap recommended, 

I do recognize that I grew up in
a somewhat impoverished home. 
I am so proud of my parents for
never making a big deal about it. 
But, I don't  think it has anything 
to do  with the way I am today.

Rather, I am extremely conscious
of Mother Earth and I refuse to 
squander her resources. Why 
should we use paper plates when
we can wash glass dishes? Why
pitch plastic bags when they 
can be used over and over again? 
Why throw away our left over 
veggies when they are the 
beginnings of a delish soup?

And don't even get me started on
the millions of water bottles we 
throw away each day that will
take even more years to break
down. I think of that island, the
Great Pacific Garbage Patch in
the sea made completely of our
human human trash. Yikes! 

I suppose I could go on and on,
but I truly believe thinking these
things out and acting on them 
is important . . . a saving grace

I will continue to be careful. 
It matters a great deal to me. 
I know I can do even better. 
Sooooo going to make the effort!

May 10, 2022


'Tis the morning of the days after . . .
and I say days, because I celebrate
both Mother's Day and Día de las

I love the month of May . . . sooooo
adore all that is to be celebrated in
this amazing month. I much enjoy
being a part of it.

I'm thinking I have another four days,
celebration free . . . those days 'twixt
and 'tween Día de las Madres and 
Día del Maestro. Not certain whether 
I need to spend them in rest, in prep 
or in some serious anticipation! 

Methinks I'll go with the flow for 
just now . . . the eats, the drinks 
and the be merries . . . and deal 
with that bit of weight gain, the 
insomnia, the almost hangovers, 
simply as they happen.

Perhaps May is just when I need, 
that come to Jesus reminder! For 
me, it's a bit more about who I think 
I'm going to be when I grow up. 
Sooooo hoping I can live up to my
own expectations!

been waiting so long
that glorious month of may
so going to enjoy

05/10/2022 - Dia de las Madres

Ya que fue en México donde fui
abrigada con la bendición de la
maternidad, supongo que es natural
que celebro el 10 de Mayo en vez
del Mother's Day de los EEUU.

Aunque me he olvidado de muchas
cosas en mi vejez, dando a luz a mis 
bellos hijos no es una de ellas! Traje 
al mundo a mi baroncito en Navojoa, 
Sonora. Ahí vivimos ocho años, si no
me equivoco.

A mi bella nena le di a luz en Nuevo 
León, en la ciudad de Monterrey. Es 
interesante todo el proceso; los planes, 
el embarazo, el dolor del parto, por fin
el nacimiento . . . y lo único que uno
recuerda es el momento en que el nene
descansa en los brazos de su madre.

Veo una seria de fotos en mi mente
como si estuviera hojeando toda la 
colección. Una en particular . . .
sentándome en la sala, dando pecho
a mi hijita y se acera mi niño para
dar y recibir un abrazo tierno. Ojalá
que en el día los ángeles vienen por 
mi, que ese sea mi última visión.

Obviamente, en la vida nos toca amar
a muchas personas; nuestros padres,
los conjugues, las amistades . . . pero
nunca jamás se quiere a nadie como
a los hijitos del alma. Sin lugar a duda,
son el milagro más grande jamás 
encontrado . . . 

Les ruego a los dioses que se les 
cuide más allá del más allá . . .

May 9, 2022

05/09/2022 - Dia de las Pre-Madrecitas

Hoy dedico el 9 de Mayo a mi hijo
Luis, el Día de las Pre-Madrecitas,
término inventado por su padre.

En los primeros años de matrimonio
terminé mis estudios y empecé mi 
carrera de profesora en México. Y
por fin, pudimos realizar el sueño
de empezar nuestra familia. 

Bien recuerdo que se acercaba el
Día de las Madres; estaba gozando
mi embarazo, pero no era madre
todavía.  Había un restaurante que
nos encantaba y tu padre me llevó
ahí para celebrar. 

Nos acomodaron en una mesa y
ordenamos algo de tomar. Luis
levantó su copa y declamó, "Hoy,
el 9 de Mayo, es el Día de las
Pre-Madrecitas. Así celebramos
ese bello día por primera vez.

Una de los dones más bellos de
la vida es la maternidad. Adoro a
todos mis hijos, mi razón de vivir.
Sin embargo, Luis, eres por quien
tu padre inventó la dulcura de estas
bellas palabras . . . 

 . . . Día de las Pre-Madrecitas.

la maternidad
amores de mi vida
don de los dioses

May 8, 2022

05/08/2022 - Mother's Day

I rather like being serenaded early
morn on Mother's Day . . . Mexican

Having a bear enjoying the gift of
my trash, at my expense, wasn't
quite the present I was expecting.

He knocked down the trash can,
moved over the strapped down lid,
and proceeded to enjoy one of my
trash baggies. He ripped it apart,
rolled in it . . . didn't give a thought
to what I'd have to go through later
picking it all up . . . and he didn't
even eat the mouse I had just caught!

We watched, rather in awe, as he
sauntered through the yard, having
a good look-see. At least, he didn't
mess up anything else! 

Happy! HAPPY!! H A P P Y !!! 
Moms, one and all! Here's hoping
you have some fun experiences
today like this one!

mother madre ma
true goddesses one and all
saluting all moms 

May 6, 2022


Every now and then, something
happens to remind us that life
is precarious, precarious beyond

I imagine that above all else, we
fear for our children. We would
bargain with anything we own, 
or even don't, to make them safe.
And yet, somehow we take for
granted that all will be well, that
all will be safe.

Then that P-word rears its ugly
head . . . and life is nothing if not
precarious. At those times, no
matter our beliefs, we fall to our
knees and beg God to save our
babes. We promise anything, and
then . . . fear and anger seep in.

We shout, scream, curse and even
threaten. "Let my child live! Make
him well! Save her, or else!" And,
then we rise, shake our fists at our
deities and demand satisfaction.

Once the danger passes, do we
recant? Beg pardon? Show our
gratitude? Alas, I sin on the side 
of doling out my anger, seldom
remembering the other side of 
the coin.

So at this moment in time, let
me remember gratitude as the
operative word. May I rise to
the occasion and be counted.
And yes, I am beyond grateful
for this long awaited, beautiful

may the gods be praised
hold our children to your hearts
yes ever grateful


I just love in between days . . .
those days sandwiched 'twixt 
and 'tween b-day celebrations 
and special holidays.

Today, is one of those days, a 
fave birthday yesterday and our 
first outdoor FAC of the season 
on the morrow. Truly, there is
naught quite like hoisting a cold
one with friends on a deliciously 
warm day in the out-of-doors.

On the other hand, never to forget 
a fun lie-in day of mystery movies 
and a new book. If I had a butler to
bring me a tray sometime during 
the day, I might never get up at all.

My absolute fave in-between days
are spent in front of the fire with 
my lover . . . to say nothing of fun
eats and drinks with no regard to
calories or good health. Love me
some salty nuts, foreign cheeses,
dried fruit, along with glass in hand.

I do find myself longing for a ride
up the mountains as spring finally
raises her head. Only this first week
of May, it has snowed twice and 
rained once . . . go figure!

I've been fantasizing about hitting
the odd garage sale, flea market,
and maybe even the Renn Fair
later on. It occurs to me that I'd
better be storing up some much
needed energy for these daydreams!

come over and play
the sun is bright and shinny
are you thirsty yet

May 5, 2022

05/05/2922 - Cinco de Mayo

Today, a national holiday in
Mexico . . . parades, speeches
and remembrance. Here in the 
US, those of us with familial 
connections, will be celebrating 
in more of a party mode than

But for me, Cinco de Mayo will
ever and always be more about 
honoring the amazing woman 
who gave me the gift of life. In 
turn, I promised her a grandbaby
with her name to be born on her 
birthday. Cinco de Mayo is a big 
day in our family.

What to say about this woman,
sans paroles, gifted to me by 
heaven itself?! Beautiful inside 
and out, a professional in her work 
and all her dealings, a friend as no 
other. And . . . she gifted me two 
phenom grandsons!

I can remember her as a little girl
comforting me when I was heart
broken. She would come up to me
on the couch and say, "stás quique
mami?" (Estás triste mami?) And
I would tell her yes, I was sad but
that she was taking my sorrow 

I know, an age old reference . . .
but if ever there were a precursor 
to her personality, this was it. 
A woman of great empathy, 
compassion and principles . . . 

happy birthday love
lets celebrate together
you are my present

May 4, 2022


Been pondering of late . . .

I can remember as a kid,
drinking the water out of our
family cistern. Every so often,
my dad would clean it out and
proper guys would come and 
fill it up again. But, before they
came . . .

One of the things I recall . . . 
the frogs dad would pull out 
and throw up over the edge 
as he cleaned out the cistern. 
Rather gives me the willies 
to even think about it. Did so 
at the time, but for entirely 
different reasons. Yikes! 

I also remember the bathings;
mom first, the cleanest of our 
bunch. I would follow and my 
bro after. Dad, a masonry brick 
contractor, would be the last . . . 
all of us using the same water.
Again, the term yikes comes to

Today, we do not drink out of
the sink, as we did in yesteryear.
We drink bottled water . . . not
only filling the recycle bins to 
the max, but somehow wasting
water, plastic . . . etc.

Living in a 130 year old cabin
with unpalatable water, I have
to buy drinking water from the
local health food store. Still, I
make a proper effort to use and
reuse all the gallon bottles of
water for a full year . . .

Somehow, my guilt is not 
unrequited! Go figure . . .

ever so thirsty
water water everywhere
and not a drop to drink

May 3, 2022


Beware of the mapache!!!
I am sooooo not kidding . . .

I simply have no idea why
the raccoons love us so and
insist on annoying the hell
out of us!

They knock over the trash
cans daily and if I didn't 
have them strapped shut, 
we'd be in big trouble!!

And, how they love the
bird feeders! Must be like
manna from heaven with
all that bird seed in there.
My guy has built a wire
cage around it . . . still,
they manage to get in.

Over and over again, they
have chewed through our
security camera wires! 
Just might be their most
expensive malady . . .

I've always thought them
to be so cute. I'm losing
my encanto; make no

mapaches be gone
get your heinies to heaven
paradise awaits

May 2, 2022


It's snowing ever so hard 
at o' dark thirty. Simply 
can't believe it; the gods 
seem to have forgotten it 
is May.

I tend to think of May as 
a bit of a party month; 
make that the party month 
of the year. There's May 
1st - May Day, May 5th is 
not only Cinco de Mayo, 
but is my daughter's and 
my mom's birthdays. Then 
there is Mother's Day on 
the 8th; Día de las Madres 
on 10 de Mayo. Add in the 
familial b-days and it is 31
days of party time, indeed.

I give up drinking three 
months of the year. Bet I'd
be better served to give up
May than June as one of
them. One could become
a proper alcoholic during
the month of May, make
no mistake! Salud . . . 

pray hoist your glasses
tis the merry month of may
to your health and mine

May 1, 2022


Glorious, wondrous Beltane!

We gathered at the home of 
one of our youngest sisters.
It was simply sweet!

One of the things I liked best
was how comfortable we all 
felt. We visited, caught up
and enjoyed each other.

I loved the ceremony. I quite
liked how she planned it. We
celebrated together, but she
instructed us to finish it this
evening at home. I've never
done that before. I just love
the unusual.

I hope all of you were able
to celebrate your own May
Day with friends and family.

round round our may poles
colored ribbons in the air
pray wishes come true