Oct 30, 2019


Me thinks Halloween does indeed bring
forth the child within. Each year we choose
the odd esoteric movie to watch in honor
of the holiday. This year, my man humored
me by accepting to re-watch the Harry Potter
series. I had only previously watched it before
when it came out and only after I had read
the books. I had only thought of the series
as being geared to older children, but now,
I'm not so certain. I'm actually glad I'm seeing
it as an old dame rather than as a kid. Wow!
I much honor the author, J.K. Rowling. She
has brought a great deal of pleasure to many
of all ages. She is also a philanthropist beyond
belief. She has used her wealth for the good
of others rather than self-aggrandizement.

sweets spooks and stories
so like me some halloween
still love samhain best


WOW and wow again . . . Mama Nature
sure is giving us a white x-mas . . .
and it isn't even Halloween yet. Here, it's
been snowing non-stop since Saturday
night. I think we have about a foot and
a half by now. Crazy! Sooooo, what gifts
does the snow bring? (Me attempting a
positive attitude here!) I know it brings
much needed moisture to Mother Earth.
Although I'm not a sportster, I do know
that the snow provides a great deal of
joy to skiers, snowboarders, etcetera.
Traditionally, kids love making snowmen
as well as missing school when there's
too much of it. On my end of things . . .
'tis fireplace and a tad of wine for me!

not halloween yet
mama nature hear my plea
pray wait til x-mas

Oct 28, 2019


Frankly, my guy is above and beyond . . .
He knows how I suffer from SADS. It's
not his responsibility to take care of me
and yet, this morning he built a fire, and
called me down to sit with him. He gave
me a blanket for warmth and asked if I
wanted candles. He brought me milk and
asked if he could get me anything else.
God, what a man! I may be the most
fortunate woman in the universe.

loving me my man
luckiest gal in the world
so beyond grateful

Oct 27, 2019


Home safe and it's snowing hard.
Seems I can't leave the old homestead
without rather severe consequences!
Me thinks I need to have words with
Mother Nature; it is October after all.
Then FB just had to print a reminder
about the 1997 worst snow storm in
the history of Colorado. Our pickups
and toppers were completely inundated.
Figured we got about six feet. First
time I missed school in forever! So,
the forecast on this end of the line is,
I am sooooo NOT leaving this bed
today, come hell or high water!!!
Damn, should have laid in some
Marg fixings for the upcoming siege!

snow snow go away
come again another day
so did not mean that

Oct 26, 2019


Today is the day . . . and it's nice here.
We leave behind 13 inches of snow to
come to our daughter's a few hours away
and no show. This is Colorado, isn't it?!
So, a new tat, a couple of beers and we're
off and running to see if we can beat the
new forecast of another dozen inches. The
cabin is inundated now; can't imagine what
another foot will do to it. Do hope we laid
in plenty of wood as well as the ingredients
for hot chocolate in front of the fire. Here's
to happy wintering!

what is happening
so not what i expected
tis lovely out there

Oct 25, 2019


I have much to look forward
to this weekend. We get to see
our kids AND they are gifting
me a new tat for my 70th. You
know you've raised your kids
right when they treat you to
a b-day tattoo. I am wowed!
We're getting on the road
noon-ish . . . so wish it were
noon already! I'm so psyched!

everybody says
oh the children of today
mine over the top

Oct 24, 2019


To coin words from yesteryear
I must "gather up my loins, sally
forth and conquer." I don't know,
the first snow, exactly two weeks
ago today, hit me hard . . . this
one of over a foot, is absolutely
devastating. When I come back in
another life, I'm asking on bended
knew that I not be cursed with SADS
as I have been this go 'round. I'm
off to find my positive attitude,
which seems to be well hidden
somewhere around here.

so longing for sun
a lil tad of heat here please
praying to survive

Oct 23, 2019


I've been pondering what it is
that draws me to Face Book. It's
not really my cup of tea, per se.
But, I find I really get a kick out
of it an hour or so in the morning.
(Don't even think I'll admit to more!)
I get the whole re-connect with lost
friends and people. I chuckle over
some of the humor and quickly delete
other bits and pieces. I peruse some
of the Mexican cuisine and promise
myself to replicate some of the dishes.
I absolutely refuse to even look at
anything remotely political, although
there are a couple of friends whose
posts are truly worth the read. I've
been hacked, misquoted, shouted at,
chuckled with, as well as shared some
tears. Although I take an occasional
rest from FB, guess I'd have to admit
I'm a bit of a fan . . . go figure!

try to understand
from a fan to fanatic
get me out of here

Oct 22, 2019


My man gets a kick out of watching
an old sitcom from time to time. He
finds the family dynamics hilarious
and tends to get in a good laugh or
two. It tickles me to see him enjoying
himself as he tends to be somewhat
somber by nature. It's interesting to
observe the different things that amuse
each of us. Some enjoy pranks, others
chuckle at happenstance and yet others
delight in those small, innocent joys that
are visited upon us. I'm thinking that I
haven't paid enough attention to these.
The smiles, laughter, chuckles brought
to us by one means or another, enhance
our personal health as well as simply
make life worth living . . .

to laugh or to cry
so love me a good chuckle
adios somber

Oct 21, 2019


Sooooo love me some October
mornings, adore my man and
am wowed by an amazing,
unexpected blueberry pancakes
breakfast in bed! The worst, and
or the best of it, is that he even
has my father beat in the whole
pancake arena. Ten more days
of October (I'm about Octobered
out!) and I fear I'm going to be
fat, fat, fat by the time I'm nigh
onto finished celebrating! Oh well,
can always diet the rest of the year.

ere i celebrate
october bliss bring it on
tired fat sassy

Oct 20, 2019


Now that I'm 70 and all wise . . .
ha ha! . . . I've been reading some
very straight words a friend of mine
sent me. She reiterated that although
my pondering might seem important,
it's time to get on with life and have
some good times before it's too late.
She's right, of course. I've been so
caught up in the whole, 'getting it
together before I die' thing, that I
may have forgotten to enjoy myself
along the way. (No comments from
those lucky gals I've been partying
with please!) It comes to me, once
again, that the answer is balance. I've
confessed before, I was born without
that particular word in my repertoire.
So, here goes . . . raising my glass to
finding a bit of balance, albeit lopsided;
may any of you who wish to, join me
in my quest . . .

memories are this
friends with and or without fun
let the good times roll

Oct 19, 2019


Morning of the day after . . .
and I survived. I celebrated by
eating crackers in bed, call that
breakfast in bed, if you will . . .
Sure hope I don't take this whole
birthday 'doing my own thing' too
far. But God, it's fun!!! Speaking
of which, turning 70 has indeed
been so much fun, rather wish I'd
done it sooner! This aging thing is
phenomenal and fantabulous!!!

still here i made it
just dying to go crazy
lets go out dancing

Oct 18, 2019

10/18/19 - 70

Maybe Shakespeare had it right
with the whole, "To be, or not to
be?" question. I find that although
I've been questioning the entirety
of the first half of October, I awoke
this a.m. with even more questions
than answers. Do I feel any different
today? Will there be very many more
"dark nights of the soul?" Will I have
"learned my lessons well?" Who will
I be when I finally grow up? One of
my friends suggested that I stop
worrying so much and spend some
time with "eat, drink and be merry."
I'm thinking, I'm thinking! The old,
"When it doubt, do both!" comes to
mind! The left brain seeks personal
growth and the right brain wants to
party . . . whole new look at balance!

real life here i come
me finds myself pondering
get out of my head

Oct 17, 2019


So, what's with this forgetting thing?
Is that one of the gifts that turning 70
brings to fruition? I sit down to talk
about something and can't remember
what I was going to speak about. I make
lists and forget to take them to the car.
I promise myself that I'm going to recall
something by repeating the word over
and over, and then can't even remember
the word the next morning. Damn! It's
finally happening . . . Jennings is getting
old . . . nah! I'll just say OLDER because
I can't deal with the word 'old' just yet
So, now might be the time to remind me
that I owe you money, ha!

help and help again
recall remember remind
those forgotten words

Oct 16, 2019


One of the things I absolutely
love about October is getting
in touch with old friends via
b-day cards, phone calls and
impromptu visits. At 70, there
is no way one can stay in touch
with all those wondrous people
met in a lifetime. Still, at major
birthdays, we all make an effort.
Since 70 is such a milestone for
me, I intend to celebrate all year,
so come on over when convenient
(hint hint!!!).

so love seventy
in celebratory mode
lets raise our glasses

Oct 15, 2019


God, I sooooo love October.
Birth month, new and full moons,
Halloween or Samhain . . . it just
doesn't get any better than this!
I so enjoy getting to see people
I love, experience new things and
await the unexpected. If I were
queen of the universe, I would see
to it that October had 33 days!!!

loving october
lets celebrate every day
come over and play

Oct 14, 2019


So delight in friend and familial
celebrations! Not quite sure why
I feel so bereft afterwards.
Obviously, these special times
spent together cannot go on long
term, still . . . I have no answers,
just grateful there are people in my
life that I miss rather than wish . . .

feel ever so blest
the value of true friendship
light in a dark world

Oct 13, 2019


Me thinks I scored when it comes to
life companions. Mine woke me up at
0 dark 30 this morn and asked me if
I wanted to watch Hawaii 50 with him.
God, I love this guy! Due to certain life
choices and never winning the lotto, we
live a rather simple lifestyle. One of the
thing I so admire about my lover is his
ability to add a bit of spice to an otherwise
plain meal . . . we have fun, no matter
what! As soon as it's light of day, I'm off
to buy a ticket!

ever remember
midst the worlds sorrow and angst
fun no matter what

Oct 12, 2019


Me thinks I need a time-out . . .
a break from being a grownup,
a rest from the intellect, perhaps
even from doing the right thing
for a bit. I want to eat, drink and
be merry . . . wonder if this has to
do with all the upcoming holidays;
there are so many of them! No
need to worry; sometimes I get
like this in October. Less than a
week and I need to be all grown
up. Maybe I'll want reminders
from time to time, that it's alright
to play as well.

help needing a break
grown up times a coming right
lets play for a while

Oct 11, 2019


I'll be the first to admit that Winter
and I do not have any kind of a decent
relationship, much less a phenomenal
one. Still, yesterday was a wondrous,
glorious day spent in front of the fire,
reading throughout, glancing up from
time to time to see the snow gently
falling . . . a day worthy of champagne.
Twelve hours and five inches later, we
still hadn't had the champagne and
we decided on bed over celebration.
I must say, best intro to Winter ever!

winter wonderland
why oh whyd you come so soon
so wasnt ready

Oct 10, 2019


Maybe it's not that I hate snow
so much in itself, it's just that it
somehow marks the beginning of
Winter. So, here we are, not even
mid-October, and it is snowing
copiously! I love Mama Nature,
but I wish she'd realize that this
is wayyyyy tooooo early! Still, it
is beautiful outside and the only
tracks in the snow are animal.
Damn, Santa Claus will probably
be arriving even before we've had
time to celebrate Halloween;
forget Christmas!!!

sing along with me
here comes the sun i mean snow
no celebration

Oct 9, 2019


'Twas just the three of us yesterday . . .
toiling through years of memories
from the boarding school we attended.
Religion, work, school, friends, those
too conceited to spend time with us . . .
There was laughter, chatter, first-time
understandings, and for me, finally tears.
I had to excuse myself and have a good
cry. I imagine that each of us take that
walk down memory lane from time to
time. Indeed, those previews turned
reviews, can be hard to take. I do have
fond memories; I'm also glad I survived.
Teenagers can be cruel to each other;
perhaps, 'tis all about the lessons to be
learned for our adult futures. We all have
our learnings, our knowledge, and our
opinions. Still, tolerance, kindness and
decency go a long way in this ever so
difficult world.

return to the past
been there done that over it
don't wish to go there

Oct 8, 2019


Confesión o plegaria???

Hablando de majaderías . . .
acuerdo viviendo en México
que nunca dije más allá de
CHIHUAHUA!!! Mil perdones
a mis amigos que vienen de ahí.
A los 37, vine para los E.E.U.U.
con mis hijos y naturalmente,
empecé a hablar inglés . . .
junto con el aprendizaje de
algunas palabrotas, las cuales
enrojecerían a ambas mi abuela
y mi madre. Bien me acuerdo
cuando mi mamá me lavaba la
boca con jabón si sólo empezaba
a mal hablar. Estoy haciendo la
lucha de limpiar un tanto a mi
boca . . . pero admito que es una
lucha de pobres posibilidades.
Necesito irme al confesionario.

ayyyyy palabrotas
favor de perdonarme
hago la lucha

Oct 7, 2019


Our fave bear showed up again in
the early hours . . . as gynormous
as Manhattan! It likes to tip over
the trash can so the lid will open
and give easy access. Then it's
pawing through the trash until
there is a delectable find. It's
always a mess to clean up in the
morning, but we love seeing the
bears throughout the warmer days.
Obviously, we can't risk going out
at night and we're cautious as hell
in the early hours. Still, it's a kind
of miracle to have Mother Nature
so close to hearth and home. I
pray for our safely always, but
love the signs of Mama out there!

love signs of mama
mother nature ever here
old and new clashing

Oct 6, 2019


So love me some October surprises;
they abound! We've been visited
daily by our fave bear (God, I hope
it's the same one!) every day of the
month thus far. He likes to tip over
the garbage and suss out a snack.
Strangely enough, he never picks up
after himself! Might be male; no
disparagement intended! The neighbor
cat, who I call, 'My sometimes cat,'
likes to come in after the bear has
done her the favor of providing a treat
or two. Must be after that when the
odd mouse comes to party! You know,
I was warned about the wildlife I'd
find here at the cabin. Guess I was
expecting elk and deer, even a fox
once in a while. And yes, they do visit,
but it's usually these other guys that
come so often!

so looking forward
my own animal kingdom
lets party hearty

Oct 5, 2019


I walked down the aisle, choosing bath
fixtures, when an elderly man approached.
He was gorgeous beyond words. Obviously
Mediterranean, he had on a black leather
jacket, longish styled gray hair and a
plethora of silver jewelry. Stunning! Here
I am turning 70, wondering what life holds
in store as I become ancient . . . 'twas as
if the gods sent me a message! Of course,
I just had to whisper to the man and he
responded by chuckling, twinkle in his eyes
and all. Not sure I can buy the whole, "Life
begins at 70!" bit, but I get it now! I still get
to be me . . . oh what fun I'm going to have.

wondering whats next
love me a secret message
join in the fray you

Oct 4, 2019


Yesterday, my guy gifted me a
memory lane tour through the
most gynormous antique store
ever. It was fun to recognize toys
from my childhood, devastating
to see some priceless items I had
inherited and given away, hilarious
to see bits and pieces I had once
thought I needed. Obviously, it was
more like a museum than a store . . .
and no entry fee! I have no idea
how much I could have spent if I'd
had the shekels and/or the space.
I finally settled on a small antique
table that I'll be using as an altar.
I'm going back . . . feel free to send

time machine ahoy
like love need want dream no chance
land of yesteryear

Oct 3, 2019


I have to wonder why it is we gals
hate mice so much?! Living in a 120
year old cabin, we get the odd mouse.
You can have NO IDEA how much that
bothers me. Still, must be dealt with!
One came in under the screen door a
few days ago. I set two entire packages
of traps yesterday . . . go figure! Some
where around 2:00 in the morning my
sleeping brain heard a trap go off. I was
awake instantly. Got out of bed and did
a happy dance. Me thinks I'm just a tad
messed up; bet other women understand
me completely! Only one mouse to go . . .

me a nervous wreck
so crazy in my old age
should i laugh or cry

Oct 2, 2019


Deborah Hinton graced us with a
lovely quote this morning . . .

October gently entered through a misty
haze of beauty. She came to draw a soft
cloak of gossamer gold, green and brown
across the land. Created from the Hart

I don't know if I love October so much
because 'tis the month of my birth or
because of the magic of the 31st or
because it marks the last bits of Fall
before Winter sets in. Make no mistake,
there are times I'd like to move the
entire month to Summer, but no one
asked my opinion when creating the
calendar. Part of me would like to go
back in time to those magickal times
of our youth. I wonder if my memories
have been dressed up a bit, but what
could one expect from Halloween?!
Putting together outrageous costumes,
hayrides, pumpkin decorating parties . . .
such fun! I do hope we all get in the
spirit of Autumn and put together some
fun October magick.

a birth year for me
dreaming in black and orange
whole towns celebrate

Oct 1, 2019


I thought October would never arrive . . .
'Tis here in all its glory . . . backgrounded
in those magnificent fall colors . . . with the
anticipation of a phenomenal Samhain . . .
and best of all, finally reaching that much
longed for milestone of 70 amazing years
of life. Truism that it might be, it all goes
by so quickly. 'Twas only yesterday, I was
a child helping to care for my little bro. It
was only a few minutes later, I was courting,
marrying and birthing my children. Just
a moment has passed since I entered my
crone years, found a love that actually
'got me', allowed me to BE and took me
to a 120 year old cabin where I could walk
'mongst the spirits of yore. I celebrate . . .
L I F E !!!

long awaited for
days go by year after year
finally arrived . . .

 . . . in quest of 70