Aug 30, 2019


So love me some reds . . . but I
tend to worry. Is it that I love to
drink or is it that I just enjoy the
entire story-telling process? My
father raised Concords along with
four other types of actual wine grapes.
My mom would make jelly out of all
five kinds. Concord jelly is traditional,
but she stepped outside the box when
making wine grape jelly. So good and
such fun! My father loved making his
different kinds of wines. I remember
back in the day when his wine was
evaluated at $30.00 a bottle here in
Denver. Didn't just make his day,
made his entire life! So, I have an
appreciation of wine, a gift from him.
I like the planning, the searching, the
actual purchasing. I organize them
in alphabetical order. They look so
beautiful on the shelves. Then, when
it's time to choose one . . . looking
them over, pondering just the perfect
choice. The right glass, the swirl, the
bouquet, finally the tasting. Oh yes, it
is a process . . . and I love it all.

a thing of beauty
oh such joy lining the shelves
heres to my father

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