Aug 27, 2019


Yesterday, a couple on bikers came by,
greeted us and asked if they could see
my gypsy wagon. They commented that
they had wanted to stop numerous times
but had been hesitant. I looked at their
humungous bikes, his braided beard, their
demeanor and I was struck by how they
were hesitant to ask, and normally, I would
have been very cautious of them. Sad, really!
I opened my heart and soul and we spent a
lovely time wowing over the vardo, visiting
and getting acquainted. I actually abhor the
fear I sometimes feel; it makes me both sad
and annoyed with myself. Obviously, one
shouldn't throw caution to the wind; it's there
for a reason, after all. Still, I want to sally
forth and conquer rather than tremble in the

face it disgrace it
tis sorrowful when fear rules
leaving fear behind

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