Aug 9, 2019


Communication in our era is such an amazing
thing. Miraculous is the actual word that comes
to mind. I've also come to realize that most
people have a fave way of staying in touch. I
notice young people do a great deal of texting
(alas, I've yet to learn how.) Some people live
on their cell phones, yet others still write those
wondrous cards and letters; love that! My medium
of choice would be e-mail. I like that you can do
it any hour of the day or night, think out what you
want to write and be as lengthy as you jolly well
please! Still, although I'm not a phoner in any
way, shape or form, the odd phone call from one
much loved is a joy indeed! Bottom line, let's
stay in touch!

ill be phoning soon
miss you long to hear your voice
rather youd be home

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