Mar 28, 2018


Yesterday afternoon we took my self-chosen
godmother out to eat at our fave restaurant.
I decided ahead of time to only have two margs
and am well pleased to report that I stayed
within my chosen boundaries. Nonetheless, near
the end, I broke down and sobbing told her I
didn't feel I could go, that I was truly done.
Me thinks I may be the most imbalanced Libra
ever born. I want to live on the one hand and
die on the other. I want to get well on the one
and just finish the entire business on the other.
I want to succeed at life and I want to be done
with life. The gods must shake their heads in
despair . . . that is, if they bother with me at all.

where to go from here
tis out of options i am
dying in battle

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