Mar 6, 2018


I'm making the effort. Still, I find myself
not up to physical par, not having enough
energy to complete my daily tasks. There's
a will, but not a way. I'm wondering if it does
indeed take a bit more than the power of
positive thinking. So, I'm trying to work a
tad longer each day and/or to simply work
at all. Isn't there an old adage that says
something along the lines of the world
wasn't won in a day?! Alas, 'tis a day for
cliches . . .

feeling so tired
dancing as fas as i can
wheres the geritol

*Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jour.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
~The Count of Flanders, 12th century
cleric in the court of Philippe of Alsace

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