Mar 13, 2018


I wish I could say I'm having a
blond moment. Alas, it's more
alone the lines of a blond month.
As Luis moved into my home of
many years, in the month of March
with plenty of snow, I felt I needed
to gift him my pickup and plow now
rather than a year from now. This
then, brought up my own need for
a new pickup. Bottom line, turns
out I am the blond, and no one else.
I miscalculated the down payment
and now I don't have the necessary
shekels to pay for my bills for the
month of March. Perhaps 'twould
have been better to avoid this
subject entirely, but am committed
to total honesty, so here it is.

where is the wisdom
what to do oh what to do
someone please advise

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