Mar 14, 2018


Another day of packing and moving!
Me thinks tis me paying for all my
accumulated sins after all these years.
I get a few things put away and here
comes Mr. Wrong with yet another
truckload of things I had considered
to be treasures all these years. I may
now have a handle on what my bestie
Sally was going through these last couple
of years. She has a mother-in-law as the
cherry on top and I have a teenager,
cum split banana, under the ice cream
sundae, as it were . . .

my soul must travel
but my body longs for home
my dichotomy

I have mixed feelings about my post today.
I may have been trying too hard to be humorous
about a difficult situation and it sounds like I'm
putting down Russel. In all actuality, he's been
an absolute rock and I honor him for this. In jest,
I may call him a slave driver and other sweet
nothings, but he's really been great. I don't know
whether to let it be,  do a re-write or just scrap
the whole thing!

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