Sep 30, 2023


What a day today is . . .

-Awoke this early morn to a 
most wondrous full moon . . .

-Breakfast with a world renown
chef . . .

-Long hours of chat with my
ex-wife . . . 

-Happiest day of my daughter's
life, marrying her childhood
sweetheart . . .

-Crazy fun in the wedding after-
math; the reception, getting re-
acquainted, enjoying the music,
people watching . . .

-The beginning of a new life for
the radiant couple . . .

Joy abounds!

Sep 29, 2023


Counting down the hours . . .

My daughter marrying her
childhood sweetheart. We 
are all so happy for her!

Happiness is one of those
things, a gift that keeps on
giving! Rather brings other
wondrous happy moments
to mind.

-My son marrying the love
of his life this past year . . .

-My guy and I up for 24 
years together . . .

-Safe travels to each and 
every destination . . .

-My parents coming to me
in dreams . . .

-Continued life six years
beyond the expected . . .

Methinks there are only
reasons for happiness; just
going to skip any and all
unhappiness for now!!!

Sep 28, 2023


I was in the deepest of slumber
at o' dark 30 this early morn
when my guy awoke me . . .

"I'm sorry to wake you, but you
must get up and see the moon!
It's one of the most beautiful I've
ever seen!"

I truly was nigh onto dead, but 
I rose, stumbled down the stairs.
He was absolutely right. The
moon seemed to be just above
the back yard. Humungous!
Bright gold! Wow! Just WOW!

Sleepiness often wins out and 
so it was that I dozed off. It
seemed I had only just gotten
back to la la land when I heard
my guy shout out,

"It's a mountain lion! We have
a mountain lion in the yard." It
does happen from time to time,
but it's always exciting when
one comes to visit!

He sprang up, began working
with the system and finally
located the right sequence of

Alas, 'twas only a wild cat, 
absolutely huge . . . God only
knows what he was up to . . .

 . . . and I'm still sleepy; 
go figure! God, what a night!

Sep 27, 2023


To think only a couple more 
days and my daughter marries 
her childhood sweetheart . . . 
just like I did 23 years ago. 
Wow! Just W O W !

Hard to believe by the same 
token, that September ends 
then as well. I get that time 
supposedly is ever and 
always the same . . .

Still, it doesn't feel like it . . .
What about, "Time flies 
when . . . " or "Time stands 
still . . . " or "Time just drags 

Bottom line, it's good bye 
September and hello October. 
There's a month I'm going to
be having some fun with.

But for now, I'm all about
celebrating my daughter's
joy and her big day. 

Can hardly wait . . .

Sep 26, 2023


"Rest is not idle, is not wasteful.
Sometimes rest is the most productive
thing you can do for body and soul."
~Erica Layne

Found this sweet quote this early a.m.
Occurred to moi, that this just might
be what retirement is all about.

Can read until early hours of the morn.
Ice cream for breakfast if I so choose.
Seconds or nothing to eat if I don't feel
like it.  And speaking of rest . . . 

Long hours of sleep, naps, low-key 
activities . . .

Part of me wishes that all those years
of heavy duty and long hours could
have been interspersed with the above
said low-key activities!

Bottom line, seems to me that both 
rest and activity are important. All
boils down to balance. Alas, I was
never blest with such an art!

Just color moi, IMBALANCED!

Sep 25, 2023


"Autumn is a second spring 
when every leaf is a flower." 
~Albert Camus

God and all mankind know how 
I feel about the colder months!

Having said that, 'tis my intention
this year, to improve my attitude
and reactions towards Autumn and
Winter. Reading the above quote
this early a.m., really brought my
intentions to bear.

Fall is truly that in between time,
isn't it?! We awoke to 33 degrees
and most likely will be in the early
seventies by late afternoon. Seems
strange for such a swing in numbers
in a single day.

One of the things I most enjoy in
this season would be a ride up in
the mountains. I so love seeing the
changes in the tree leaves. Actually,
we refer to this as Fall colors, don't 

I find myself looking forward to
trying on this new attitude towards
to the cold and the gifts it brings . . .

 . . . we'll see!

Sep 24, 2023

09/24/2023 - SAD

Bless my sisters . . .

They have come up with ideas
to help me with SAD during the
colder, darker months. Feel free
to use and/or send more ideas:

     -Prepare dishes bringing good 

     -FACs w/ friends

     -New haircut; dye job

     -Go out daily unless storming;
stay out as long as possible

     -Invite fam and friends to lunch

     -Limit alcohol intake

     -Lose a few lbs

     -Meditate daily

     -Read daily; avoid murder and

     -See children

     -Send cards, letters, e-mails to
fam and friends

     -Sit by the fire

     -Study a given topic

     -Take a meal in town from
time to time

     -Take a scenic ride

     -Teach classes

     -Use sun lamp daily

     -Visit 2nd hand stores

     -Walk as much as possible

     -Watch a humorous flick

     -Write a bio

Pray I find the courage to change
with the seasons, accepting the
dark along with the light.

Bright blessings and many a thanks
to my sisters . . .

Sep 23, 2023

09/23/2023 - Autumn Equinox

"to survive the seasons, you 
must change with them" /// cf;

Today is the Autumn Equinox,
or if you prefer, Mabon. Since
I've gone on ad naseam about
hating the colder seasons, all
must be surprised at how much
I enjoy this day of celebration.

Thing is, awaiting, anticipating,
these eight markers of changing
seasons, truly help me cope w/
acceptance. So today, first day
of Fall.

I anxiously await the arrival of
my triad to celebrate the day. In
addition, we will be honoring our
sister who just recently passed 
into Nervana.

Sitting in circle, honoring this
special day, celebrating her life 
and ours . . . all so very healing.

Pray I find the courage to change
with the seasons. Methinks 'tis
the only answer . . .

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Sep 22, 2023


Today is Mabon Eve, or if you
prefer, first day of Autumn Eve.
Wondrous things to look forward
to, but already today, the best.

A dear friend of ours brought a
welcoming ceremony for Fall
to the cabin today. 'Twas most
glorious and brought tears to my
eyes more than once.

It is difficult, if not nigh onto
impossible, for me to accept the
oncoming weather of Autumn
and Winter. Still, I would say the
special welcoming ceremonies
truly help.

They remind us of the reason for
their being, their place in this wild,
wild world of ours and how we 
can personally benefit from each

Going to make a supreme effort
here to be welcoming rather than
disdainful as these darker, colder
seasons approach.

Feel free to remind me when I get
down and dirty about them . . .

Sep 21, 2023


"A soul that carries empathy 
is a soul that has survived 
enormous pain." ~A. Shea

I've enjoyed author and poet
A. Shea forever and a day, 
but with these words, I am 
at her feet!

We've all known people who 
are especially kind and loving . . .
hence the term, empathetic! 
Truly, it's all about having been 
there, done that and getting it! 

I understand that the opposite
is also true. There are those 
whose sufferings takes them 
into the realm of anger, a rage 
so prevalent they can barely 
cope, thus taking it out against 
one and all.

I find myself in awe of those 
who choose empathy over 

May we all . . . to whatever 
extent we can . . .

empathy - 
the ability to understand and 
share the feelings of another.

Sep 20, 2023


"When I'm an old lady, I want
to be one of those women that
has a house in the middle of a
forest, filled with the scent of
burning lavender, rose and sage,
overloaded with potted plants,
with a collection of weird rocks,
crystals, herbs and oils, a big
beautiful garden, that just looks
after her animals, paints and minds
her own business with crazy hair."

Just saw this quote a few secs ago.

Let's see . . .

    old lady √
    cabin in the forest √
    scents of lavender, rose, sage √
    potted plants, weird rocks, √
    crystals, herbs and oils, √
    animals, crazy hair √
    minds her own business (hope so)

Check on all 13 . . . Can't help but
wonder if any of my fam and buds
thought they were talking about 

Hell, might just become a legend
in my own time . . .

Sep 19, 2023


"Gratitude is the proper response
for the absolute astonishment of
getting to be alive, and aware, 
and an essential part of this crazy,
sprawling story." ~John Green

I find when I'm bitchy, negative,
complaining, gratitude can be the
antidote . . .

Let me see . . .

-My children, ever and always,  
are first and foremost. Oh my 
God, I'm so grateful for them.

-My guy, a most interesting
daily companion. Have adored
him since we were three years

-Friends, neighbors, methinks, 
couldn't live without them. So
enjoy hoisting a brewski w/the
best of them.

-Hearth and home, a blessing in
this somewhat difficult world.

-A few shekels, suffice enough
to keep us in food, clothing and
the odd marg.

Speaking of seeing, I don't feel
so down and dirty anymore . . .

 . . . and I am terribly grateful.

Sep 18, 2023


Alas, my plans for today have 
been canceled . . .

 . . . and, that's sooooo life, isn't 

Reminds me of how we spend 
way too much time planning the 
future rather than living in the 
present. I'm still learning, still 

So today, I want to live in this 
today! Rather than planning 
something, think I'll just wait
and see what happens!

I may actually be surprised . . .

Sep 17, 2023


What does it mean when dreaming
of a convoluted past?!

Last night, I still lived in Mexico.
We were just moving into our new
home my dad built for me. Dreamt
I wanted to put a small TV in each
of the kids rooms and Don Luis
said no.

My girlfriend Olive had brought my
mom down to visit and see the new
house. We three women took off in 
Olive's car, and Don Luis and the
kids went in my black pickup. 

Don Luis exited I-70 onto Colfax
to go to Toys R Us and we missed
the exit. Took the next one but all
land was swampy due to heavy
flooding. We had to leave the car
and walk, often sinking into mud
and mire.

We zigzagged back and forth, came
to homes both wealthy and poverty
stricken. I woke up when we were
nearing death by exhaustion.

Sooooo, if you ever wondered what
CONVOLUTED meant . . . here 'tis!

Go f-ing figure . . .

Sep 16, 2023


Alas, last night was an all-nighter.
Sleep finally assailed me some time
around 6:30 this early morn. Upon
awaking, three words came to me . . .

 . . . harmony, hearth, home! 

Methinks I'm going to be falling 
in love with the letter H . . . and it 
occurs to me that these royal three 

Each and every one actually apply
to my own paradise. So love living
here. It's an everyday joy, make no

Yes, it's a bit too warm upstairs and
a lot too cool, okay cold, downstairs.
Windows small, lights dim. Heat
source, iffy at best. Still . . .

My only worry or concern is how
the hell am I going to do the stairs
when I'm about a hundred years old.

Sooooo, let me think . . .

 . . . hope, haven, heaven! 

Let's have some fun . . .

 . . . hilarity humungous, hun

God, I so love these!

My very own H's . . .

Sep 15, 2023


Rained all night . . . still raining!
48 degrees, but the calendar says
it's Summer . . . go f-ing figure!!!

I am NOT a happy camper, guess
I'd better think of some positive
things here . . .

I have a nice warm bed and have
no intention of leaving it today!
Damn shame the bod insists on
needing the odd pee!!!

Good thing a friend brought me
peaches as I can't imagine going
into that cold kitchen! Lucky it's
warmer upstairs; still, only 68.

Methinks 'tis best to stop bitching
whilst I'm ahead. My heating pad
awaits anyway . . .

Grrrrrrrrrrr. ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Sep 14, 2023


Ahhhhh, those wondrous hellos
and those sorrowful goodbyes!

Truly 'tis a glorious thing to see
old friends from distant lands.
Obviously, due to that necessary
travel, it doesn't happen often.

The thing I find fascinating is the
excitement surrounding arrivals
and the sadness at the time of
departure. Still, I wouldn't have
it any other way.

The catching up, bumping into
each other's sentences, excitement
abounding, nigh onto orgasmic.

Then comes the quieter time of 
a meal shared, a dessert enjoyed,
candles burning low. Bedtime
approaches and one would prefer
to stay awake. Alas, Mr. Sleepy
will have his way!

I think of those precious gifts
exchanged and how they will be
cherished. With each bite of the
peach, the loved one is recalled.
As juice runs down the chin, a
chuckle escapes along with the
enjoyment of the fruit.

Aren't we all ever so lucky to
have loved ones in our lives?!
Methinks 'tis rather a bit of
heaven on earth . . .

Sep 13, 2023


"Depression is when you don't 
really care about anything. Anxiety 
is when you care too much about 
everything. Having both is just 
like hell." The Mind's Perceptions

As I've shared several, if not many
times before, I suffer voraciously
from SAD, Seasonal Affective
Disorder. Alas, I am assailed by
both depression and anxiety, as 
depicted above.

To my sorrow, this year we only 
had about a week of Spring and
now I see we're to have an early
Autumn. I feel nigh onto scared
beyond the pale.

How to cope? How to handle this?
Praise the gods for Wellbutrin! 
Still, 'tis not enough . . . I need to
get out in fresh air every day, walk
a bit in the low sun, exercise. 

I have to laugh, being nigh onto
174, okay 74, I don't particularly 
care for any of the above. I just
want to drink a glass of whatever
ambrosia and have instant positive

Pray send ideas for coping skills 
and energy!

Sep 12, 2023


"Unless we move towards spiritual
maturity, we miss the real purpose
and meaning of our existence."
~Richard Rohr

I so honor this thought shared with
us by one of my fave priests. Were
we grow up, mature, all manner of
wondrous things could happen . . .

Tolerance and acceptance of each
other's beliefs, kindness and loving 
hearts towards one and all, that rare
ability of being able to walk a bit
with another 'til time to go our
separate ways.

Remember that old adage . . .
"All roads lead to Rome."
~Alain de Lille, 1175

 - - -

Richard Rohr, OFM is an American
Franciscan priest and writer on
spirituality based in Albuquerque, NM.
He was ordained to the priesthood in
1970, founded the New Jerusalem
Community in Cincinnati in 1971 and
Center for Action and Contemplation
in Albuquerque in 1987, Wikipedia

Sep 11, 2023


magic - the power of influencing
the course of events by using 
mysterious or supernatural forces

magick - actual magic or sorcery 
in neopaganism, as opposed to
illusion or stage magic  

This term magic, and/or magick
if you prefer, has been much
bandied about of late. Methinks
'tis so much used, little thought
is given to meanings.

Here's to everyday magic . . .

"My relationship is pure magic!
There's magic in the air today.
Seeing my old friend after so
many years was a special kind 
of magic."

Delving into the esoteric . . .

"I study magick daily in order
to understand it. Magick moves
me! Last night's storm was pure
magick of the gods."

For me, both terms seem to 
actually invoke a bit of mystery.
I love words like that.

But, no matter one's path, we
should seek magic in our every
day lives . . . that unexpected
phone call from an old friend,
a chance encounter, receiving
flowers, a debt canceled, a kiss
from a child . . . all magic;
make no mistake.

Better yet, let's all strive to be
a bit of magic in other's lives.

"All I ever asked for, all I ever 
wanted was love and a little bit
of magic in this dark world."
~L.L. Musings

Sep 10, 2023


"At any given moment, you 
have the power to say: This 
is not how the story is going 
to end." ~C. Mason Miller

I saw this bit of wisdom on
FB this a.m. Alas, the author
Christine was not honored.

From time to time, I run into
her quote reminding me of
this better way of thinking.

We may say we don't believe
in predestination, but the
reality of it is, we act like we
do. We simply do not take
charge of our own lives, make
the decisions that need to be
made and follow suit to make
that happen.

I wish to weigh 15 lbs less,
but my eating doesn't reflect
this. I desperately need to
exercise, but I only walk as
far as the mailbox. I need to
get my book published, but
I contact zero publishers.

In reality, those are just silly
instances. Not sure if I've run
out of energy or if I just have
a poor mindset about getting
my ass in gear.

Bears thinking about and
choosing wisely. I'll see if I
can put my mind and energy
where my mouth is!

Sep 9, 2023


"It actually doesn't take much to 
be considered a difficult woman. 
That's why there are so many of us."
~Jane Goodall

Although I don't care much for the 
ape side of the world as it were, 
Jane Goodall is one of my sheroes.  
What an amazing woman!

Alas, precious few of us have 
experienced a calling such as hers,
followed the dream and been a

Methinks she has sacrificed life as
we know it, denied herself much,
in order to follow said calling.
Interestingly enough, her many
years in the field with her work
and research, has afforded us
with knowledge we would have
otherwise never known.

I honor her, want to be just like
her when I grow up . . . although
I'd choose a different subject

Salud, Dame Jane Goodall . . .
here's to you, ever and always!
- - -

Dame Jane Morris Goodall DBE, 
is an English primatologist and
anthropologist. She is considered
the world's foremost expert on
chimpanzees, after studying the
social and family interactions of
wild chimpanzees. She is 89.


Sep 8, 2023


"Who are you?"  ~Jostein Gaarder
Sophie's World, Chapter 1

Methinks Jostein asks the right
question; I ask it of myself rather

There are things I know for certain;
I'm a woman, 73 years old, mother
of 2 + 2 + 3 = 7, gran and great gran,
retired teacher, live in a 145 year old 
cabin,  but . . .

There is ever so much more to
know and understand about self!
What do I believe? How do I honor
those beliefs? Am I faithful to my

And, speaking of beliefs, I actually
think that this may indeed be the 
true identity of a person.

I believe in fidelity and faithfulness.
Treat people with the regard held
for yourself, not how they deserve.
I believe in Mother Nature and hope
her master will be revealed in due

I pray I may ever be true to myself,
learn and grow with each passing
day . . .

"The most difficult thing in life 
is to know yourself." ~Thales

Sep 7, 2023


Other than the odd aches and
pains that come with aging, I
just love being 73. I suppose
I'd say something along the
lines of being 173 if I were in 
pain just now.

I never expected to live this
long, so I find this era of my
life extremely interesting. I
never really thought I'd enjoy
slowing down and living what
many might think of as a less
than interesting time.

Enjoy eating out once a month,
choosing a fun restaurant, and
most likely ending up at the
same one over and over again.

We enjoy fam and friends to
visit, the odd FAC, a trip to
town now and again. They 
rather make life even more

So love having time for reading,
watching fab mysteries in bed
with my guy. Add in popcorn
and margs and we're talking
heaven on earth. Who knows?
May be the only heaven I get
to enjoy.

Might just be time to come up
with some more fun close to
home. I keep recommending
picnics; alas, hasn't happened
just yet.

Think I'm going to hold out for
a visit to the park with basket
and champagne in hand!

Sep 6, 2023


"As you get older, you have
your tribe of women that you
grow and age gracefully with
and you share wisdom with.
That's your clan. That's your
family. That's your strength."
~Sheryl Crow

I truly love the men in my life;
make no mistake. My man, my
son, my grandsons, my great
grandson, my friends. They're
truly lovely beings.

On the other hand, reading the
above this early morn, I felt a
need to honor the women in 
my life . . .

I have three amazing daughters,
incredible daughters-in-law, best
of best friends ever. Where do I
pay tribute? Who do I thank?
How do I share my gratitude?

I truly mourn for those who have
no circle they can trust implicitly.
Those who have only experienced
the unfaithful, the back-stabbers, 
the turncoats. 

I glory in the women I have known,
the women in my life. May I ever
and always be deserving . . .

Sep 5, 2023


"Nature never did betray 
the heart that loved her." 
~William Wordsworth

I stand in awe at Mother's
beauty, her gifts to one and
all. I worship at her feet and 
am ever wowed at glimpses 
of her personality.

Days when not a breath of 
air stirs. Others of gentle
winds and rustling leaves.
Times I feel frightened . . .
ruthless winds announcing
a storm is at hand. 

The seasons bringing their 
display of different moods.
Spring begins a show and
tell of a summer soon to

Summer is such a delight
of joy through sun and
warmth, fam picnics, visits
with friends and long days.

As summer fades into fall,
I find leftover bits of days
of yesteryear. Still, the eves
bring nips in the air and a
promise of weather I don't
much care for. Alas, not my

Winter has its own beauty
and as long as I'm sitting 
by my fire and only peeking 
out at the falling snow, I'm
content. Add in a bit of hot
anything and I can almost
deal with the freezing cold.

My heart goes out to those
who suffer Mother Nature's
rage demonstrated in floods,
earthquakes, and other forms
of destruction. 

Still, I will ever love her, sit
at her feet in meditation and
thanksgiving. Methinks she
is indeed a goddess . . .

Sep 4, 2023


Memories of yesteryear . . .

For those of us who are about 
a hundred years old, September 
4th was the first day of the school 

Having taught 40 years, I don't
think we ever started school on
September 4th. How times have
changed, eh?!

Thinking back, we were in a
private, parochial school. Can't
help but wonder if the powers at
be simply ignored Labor Day. So
hope not.

I like that today we honor those
who labored so hard to make
the US what it is today.

Let's raise our glasses!

Labor Day is a federal holiday 
in the US celebrated on the first
Monday in September to honor
and recognize the American labor
movement and contributions of 
laborers to the development and 
achievement of the US. Observed 
for 141 years. Wikipedia

Sep 3, 2023


"One of the hardest decisions
made in life is to choose which
bridge to burn and which bridge
to cross." ~David Russell

From time to time, I take a good
look at my life . . . obviously, this
quote comes to mind!

How did I decide to do 10th and 
11th grades away from home? So
can't believe I decided to go to
Mexico at 17 and then stayed 20

My two children, born in Mexico,
actually had to come to the US to
learn English. And when I returned
after 20 years, I found the American
English I had known was quite
different. I nearly spit the first time
I heard, "That sucks!"

I could have stayed in the US. I
could have chosen to live at home.
Perhaps married and reared children
here rather than there. I had planned
on nursing, not teaching.

Can't help but think about those two
roads . . . the one chosen and the one
not taken. Not necessarily bad or good,
better or worse, just different.

One thing for sure . . . the road taken
that gifted me my children is paved 
in pure gold!!!

Sep 2, 2023


As I enjoy my Midnight Margs, 
etc. 'bout thrice a week, I aways 
take a break Jan/May/Sep. Ever
so glad that three is my fave
number and not six or nine! Ha!

'Tis only day 2 this time 'round, 
but what I find interesting is that
I'm paying a whole lot more
attention to food. I hadn't given
it much thought, still wondered
why I always gained a bit of 
weight during my off months.

I've always enjoyed cooking,
creating in the kitchen, but I
find I'm lazier in my old age.
Heaven forbid I'd have to stand
by the stove for very long. 
These days, I just tend to open 
the fridge and sees what falls 

Sooooo today, 'tis salad and
spag for moi . . . haven't yet
decided which will be lunch
and which will be breakfast.

Just keeping meself on the 
straight and narrow . . .

Sep 1, 2023


"Don't you know that you
already hold the key to unlock
the magic that you are? Just add
a little belief." ~Stacie Martin

I feel such sorrow at the thought
of just how often I have forgotten
who I am . . . It is important to
know yourself, know who you
are, and to remember . . .

For me, it's all about going on 
from there. I don't like the idea 
of being so self centered that 
moi is all I ever think about. 

Yes, know yourself, be yourself
and then . . . move on! There's
a whole world out there, filled 
with people to know, to care for, 
to help, to enjoy.

I find myself more than a bit 
tired of this me! ME! M E !!! 

Ouch! I sense a rant coming on;
best stop whilst I'm ahead!