I know we're all hoping and praying that
tonight will bring, not only an ending to
2020, but a new beginning in 2021 . . .
Literally and otherwise!
The logistics are there, tried and true, but
it doesn't mean we'll awaken to a plague
free world, or violence will have ended,
or all have secure jobs and happy families.
Must mean, somehow, that it's up to us
to make 2021 a better place to be. I don't
actually think I'm talking about New Year's
Resolutions . . . It's more about the DOING
rather than just the SAYING.
Donations to the tried and true? I don't
think so. Certainly, wonderful charities
never have enough shekels . . . but, what
about the family down the street with
children and no jobs for six months? A
couple of bags of groceries on their
doorstep, perhaps? What about the old gal
across the street who has had no visitors
lo these many moons? Bet a sweet note
and a bundle of flowers would make her
Yes, I want to be a better person in 2021,
but me thinks the important part is getting
off my ass and doing all that would actually
make me a better person . . .
heres to the doing
time to get down to business
enough of saying