May 17, 2023


"All journeys have secret
destinations of which the
traveler is unaware."
~Martin Buber

Don't know about you, but 
I bought into the Cinderella
story utterly and completely
as a child.

I had my life planned from 
the cradle to the grave, as my
mother used to tell people. 
I thought of it as . . .

. . . The Cinderella Formula.

School, college, marriage, 
kids, work, retirement . . . 
and NO SIDE ISSUES along 
the way!

Frankly, looking back, I'm so
thankful that the cookie cutter
life style wasn't for me. I am
sooooo NOT with you Cindy!

My life has been so interesting!
Yes, complex, and both painful 
and joyful. Still, methinks 'tis
as it should be.

I'd raise a glass, but not drinking
this month . . . oh well!

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