Sep 6, 2020


"Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown.
Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus."

Ran across this one and nigh onto laughed 
myself into hysterics! Frankly, I find myself
asking, 'Do we ever change? Do we ever grow?
Do we ever grow up? Do we ever, ever dismiss
that negativity and bad habits or are we just
faking it and convincing ourselves we're doing
a bit better?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

At this wondrous age of 70, I cast the odd glance
across the eons of my life hoping to find a pattern
of growth and change. What I actually see, is a
younger, freer me with some of the above, but
mostly, I am ME!!!

Perhaps, what I should be seeking rather than
growth and change . . .  a greater acceptance
and understanding of both myself and others! 
Maybe the answers I am seeking, lie in the
realm of patience rather than transformation?!

I don't think that means, 'To hell with it; I'm
going to be me and that's that!' Rather, learning
to accept myself and my foibles with the same
grace as I do in other people. Certainly worth

i am who i am
just when i was having fun
must grow up sometime

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