Sep 30, 2020


Thirty days hath September . . .

The child in me thought today would
never come. I've sooooo been looking
forward to celebrating the month of
October that like a kid, the days seemed
to pass ever so slowly.

What am I thinking? Hoping? Planning?
I have chosen to spend special time with
my children. I want that time, I need to
see them, break bread with them. Enjoy!

I've chosen the six women to whom 
I am closest. Again, all I want is to
spend time and chat with them. I feel
incredibly lucky to have such amazing
people in my life!

Love spending time with my guy . . . 
I've asked him to finish a project in lieu 
of gifts. We're going to take a drive on
the morrow and take a picnic with us.
That's the kind of birthday I like . . .

It has come to me that I'd like to do 
some things on my own. Spend some
time with my inner crone, as it were.
A solitary walk perhaps, an afternoon
in the vardo, writing in my journal,
creating a verse or two. I find the idea
rather appealing! Alas, one does tend
to forget self in those daily equations. 

getting older fun
learning how to play again
so can hardly wait

Sep 29, 2020


One of the things I vastly appreciate
about getting older is sussing out the
level of importance se assign to each
person, idea, activity.

Alas, I well recall getting all frustrated
in my attempts to satisfy husband, kids
and friends within a monthly calendar
of activities. Now, I can actually admit
if I'm exhausted, overextended . . . or
even not particularly interested. Rather
wondrous being 70!

I've already thought out how I want to
spend October this year. 'Twill be
glorious turning 71, especially as the
alternative is not appealing at all! 'Tis
glorious approaching an age where
you realize that fam and friends are
more important than parties and gifts.
Although I've always leaned that way,
much more so in my latter years.

I'm so grateful to still be here, what
with the death sentence three years 
ago. I pray I can make the remainder
of my life worthy of this gift. So, let's
party a la olde ladiesville!!!

lets all make happy
dreaming of fun days to come
loving life at last

Sep 28, 2020


Alas, the sagas continue . . .

I say sagas, as there seems to be a plethora
of them. No word from FB, yet. Still three
days to get paid and we're eating some very
strange concoctions. Per usual, at the end
of the month! (Maybe, I'll get skinny!)

I find I'm on the verge of clicking my heals 
and chanting, "There's no place like home!"
I ponder all the definitions and quotations,
surrounding this magical word and it nigh
onto gives me the shivers. My fave is . . . 

"For more and more of us, home has less
to do with a piece of soil than a piece of
soul." ~Pico Iyer

        There's no place like home! 
        There's no place like home!
        There's no place like home!

I know I did it right, I even clicked my 
heels. I guess the bad thing is my slippers
aren't ruby. I'm going to wake up my guy
and I bet he'll make the magic happen!

theres no place like home
daddy daddy no magic
promise im chanting

Sep 27, 2020


One of the things I love about Colorado
are its mountains! It seems, everywhere
you turn, they greet you from their staid
strength and beauty . . . and then, you
travel North to the plains. Wow! What
transformation, and all in the same state.

As far as the eye can see, no obstacles
of any kind. So, there is a different kind
of lovely in the sunrises and sunsets.
Obviously, they are gorgeous anywhere
you find them. Still, they're different on 
the plains . . . must be the uninterrupted

I have mixed feelings about Mr. Wind.
He goes from gentle to wild in nano
seconds. He dances and swirls, taking
the fallen leaves with him. It's intriguing
to watch, a bit overwhelming at times.
I can recall as a child, running to get in
the middle of the whirlwind . . . alas,
I'm too adult now, too sane. 'Tis a bit
of a shame actually!

Perhaps it's my Autumn birth, but I find

myself much enjoying this pre-Winter
time. The subtle changes, the to and fro
play of weather, the tress dressing up
and dressing down. The sun and the
moon blowing a kiss 'twixt their hellos
and goodbyes. Add in birthdays and 
end of month holidays, and if you're 
not careful, you'll find it's your fave
season of the year.

hello mister fall
find i have been missing you
lets you and i dance


Oh my God . . . I've lost my scam virginity!
Actually, for all my 70 years, I had never
been scammed before; go figure!

So, yesterday, I get an e-mail from a niece
that I've never really communicated with
although we're friends on FB. After greetings,
she asked if I had seen my name on a list
saying I had won $10,000 via FB. I told her
I couldn't remember and that I figured it was
a scam anyway.

She went on to share that she too, had won
and that she'd only had to pay $350 to receive
it. Then she asked if I would like for her to 
check and see if my name was still there.
She wrote me back and said indeed it was and 
I should message the FB account. As this was 
my niece, I did so. A man answered and said, 
he would check. He soon wrote and said, YES!
And that all I would have to do would be to
send $200.00 . . . sounded fishy to me.

I answered that it was end of month and he
could send me $9,800. if that was do-able.
Obviously NOT and I needed to pay an
additional $35,. for the sending. The scent of
fishy was getting greater and then my niece
wrote again and asked how it was going. By
then, of course, I had give my full name,
address, e-mail, phone number, date of birth,
etc. Not quite sure why I didn't just turn over
the title to my cabin!

The chap comes back on messenger and
suggests various ways for me to send the
money . . . such as go to Safeway and buy
a gift card and e-mail it to him.

Starting to get bored here . . . so I signed
off and turned off FB . . . and then found I
couldn't get back in. This may be the most
exciting thing that's happened to me in my 
old age! And hey if an of you want to send
me the odd $200, feel free; it'll save you 
from the scammers! Ha!

lets have some fun guys
see what lies i can fall for
scam me anyway

Sep 25, 2020


'Tis the morning of the day after, as it were . . .
I imagine that throughout our entire lives, we
tend to forget that there is indeed a morning 
of the day after . . .

That day after surgery and you find out you
have survived cancer. That morning you hold
your beautiful newborn in your arms. The hour 
you get to bring your young son home from 
the emergency room and he's going to be fine. 
That godawful waiting period in which you 
finally find out that no one was killed in your
kid's car accident!

I realize that in every ghastly experience it's 
ever so easy to focus on the fear, the pain.
And then, it passes . . . and we don't even
remember to express our gratitude. 

I must say it now . . . how grateful I am to be
alive, how thrilled I am that all my children
are both wonderful and well, how thankful
I am to have grandchildren of whom I am
so proud as they serve in the armed forces.
The love I have experienced in family and
friends, the sweet companionship of my man.

How easily we forget; I must remember . . .
ever and always! 'Tis morning of the day after!

sometimes i forget
angels must walk among us
ever so thankful

Sep 24, 2020


Alas, me thinks the gods are pissed at me!

They must think that I've been way too
negative as well as complaining my head
off.  Time to dig down deep and find my

I spent seven hours at Lutheran's Hospital
yesterday. Tests beyond the pale . . . still
no real answers. Bottom line, I know pain
well beyond birthing and tats . . . paid for  
all my sins, even those I haven't committed

Sooooo, anyone want to come out and 
play . . . indulge your naughty? I've 
already paid well in advance!

promise anything
the pain much too great to bear
must pay the piper

Sep 23, 2020


Making the effort; finding my way . . .

This year, this godawful year, has thrown
down the gauntlet, make no mistake. We
thought we'd gotten off to a good start . . .
and then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. We
may have been able to handle it differently
had we been informed as soon as those
pesky powers at be knew! Alas, that wasn't
going to happen.

Then, there was the Impeachment that didn't
seem to go anywhere. I'll never get that one!
Me thinks Mother Earth was pissed enough
to let loose the West Coast Wildfires. Not
certain we'll ever recover from that one! But,
the early passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
my shero, has been the hardest to deal with.
I wanted every minute possible with her.

I know, I know . . . it's important to be 
positive and me thinks I've made every 
effort or I would have slashed my wrists 
already. Still, I'm thinking, I'm thinking . . .
Do we have any goodies from the baddies,
at all, from this infamous 2020?! Grrrrrrrr!

I've made a new friend. It didn't rain on my
guy's b-day nor on our Lughnasadh reunion.
My family is all alive and well . . . me thinks
I damn well better stop complaining!

Sooooo, here's to trying the positive on for 
size . . .

its raining pouring
a rainbow after the rain 
sometimes i forget

Sep 22, 2020

09/22/2020 - Mabon

Mabon, first day of Autumn

Per se, we celebrate Mabon and/or the
first day of Autumn, on September 21st.
But, this being a leap year, puts the day
of celebration on the 22nd. I so didn't
want Summer to end and yet, I thought
Fall would never arrive. 

Mabon represents the second harvest. 
What does this mean, metaphorically
speaking? All year, we have worked
on our personal growth, making the
effort to grow, do better, excel . . .
leaving behind those things which 
impede our spiritual progress.

So at Mabon, we begin to reap that
which we have sown. We have strived
for patience with ourselves and others.
We have shared the abundance with
which Mother Earth has blest us. We
have sought knowledge which will
enhance growth. And above all, we
prep our ground for greater growth 
in the year to come.

May you all be blest on this first day
of Fall. May it bring wondrous color
to your life. May you love, rest and
enjoy this time prior to the arrival of
winter. Blessed be . . .

her garb is wondrous
oranges yellows and greens
her bounty adorns

 - - -

9:30 a.m. Oh my God . . . we have
been granted a gift. There are over
two bulls, about 3 and 5 years of
age,  30 mamas and their baby elks
in my yard, front, back and side! I
find I am beyond grateful. ~ld

Sep 21, 2020


In the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's
passing, I am reminded of the absolute
importance of heroes and sheroes in our
lives. We look to them. We are inspired
by them. They matter.

Having come for the 1950's era, heroes
were all we had. The nomenclature,
sheroes was nonexistent at that time. I
remember back to those who inspired me.
Walter Cronkite, Martin Luther King Jr,
John F. Kennedy . . . and now Barack

But, who are the sheroes? Obviously,
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in our hearts
and minds just now. Michelle Obama
and Malala Yousafzai immediately come
to mind. Turia Pitt inspires me beyond
the pale and Emma Thompson is a young
gal to watch . . . and Mother Teresa for
ever and ever . . . 

This topic of hereos and sheroes bears 
some thought. Me thinks 'twould be a
good idea to name them to ourselves.
We should pay attention! Who inspires
us? Who has made a difference in our
lives? Who do we want to be like when
we grow up?

And bottom line . . . what hero/shero
traits am I cultivating in myself?!

who are my heroes
a shero i want to be
way to help others

Sep 20, 2020


Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I dreamt last night that my guy and I were
part of a set up team that proceeded Ms.
Ginsburg on her speech trips. We were
excited to be a part of vivacious caring!
We would unload trucks, set up tents and
chairs along with stages and microphones.

What we came to realize, is that we were
so exhausted by the time she was ready 
to speak, that we couldn't even begin to 
hear her message. Dream or not, there
is so much truth here!

We live in a very demanding world . . .
With all of our individual and familial 
responsibilities, there seems precious 
little time for personal growth. Our
intentions are good, but we get bogged
down in the minutia of daily living!

In my dream, we were within arm's
length of brilliance, knowledge, life
experience . . . and we were simply
too tired to absorb the lessons. Me
thinks there's a teachable moment

There is nothing wrong with doing our
dailies, as it were. Still, we need to be 
open  . . . our hearts, our minds and our
time . . . to enjoy all the magic that's out
there. And make no mistake, she, Ms.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was and is, part
of the magic . . .

wish i had the time
my chores holding me hostage
missing out on life

Sep 19, 2020


Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933-2020
Associate Justice Supreme Court, 1993-2020
US Judge Court of Appeals 1980-1993

My shero has gone before; my heart broken.
I truly believed we would still have her for 
several more months.

I was 30, living and teaching in Mexico when
I began hearing about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
She was educated, living and working in what
was considered a man's world at that time.
She was clever, ballsy, making things happen
that maybe otherwise would not have. We
young women openly and secretly adored 
her, depending on our own situations.

My own husband, mathematician and prof,
was not a fan . . . hence the secret adoration.
Through the years, she would appear in our
newspapers, reporting one brave deed after
another. She was a constant. Her stand, her
tenacity, her bravery . . . always there! 

But, for the young women who admired 
her, she was a role model. Education, wit 
and wisdom and so not shy about speaking 
her mind. She may as well have been from 
Mars. Still, she lived on our planet and we 
all wanted to be her when we grew up . . .

 . . . My shero!

may the gods attend
may they ever cosset you
queen among women

Sep 18, 2020


I notice in my daily blog that I repeat a
phrase along the lines of who I want to
be when I grow up. Not sure whether to
laugh or cry, but it's a good one. Think
if I'm ever to do so, I'd better get on the
ball, what with being 70 and all!

But perhaps, growing up isn't all it's 
cracked up to be. Maybe keeping a bit 
of that naughty youthful is a good idea.
Surely, we've all noticed our elders in
the street, cars, shopping . . . Some look
ready to bite the dust . . . that may just
be me . . . and others look full of vip,
vim and vigor!

We've all been anxiously awaiting for
2020 to get the hell out of Dodge! A
new year cometh and here's hoping it
will be a far cry from this one. So . . .
here's to the picking and choosing of
what's entailed in this whole growing
up business. Obviously, we all wish 
to be better people, but I find myself
more interested in those pesky bits
of naughty I intend to keep and/or
invest in! Do wish me well . . .

in spite of my list
santa forgot me this year
so staying naughty

Sep 17, 2020


Alas, 'tis very seldom that I can regress,
but last night I did so successfully.

I found myself in an archaic saloon, I
believe in New York City. It was ever so
fascinating and I found myself gawking!
I glanced down to see what kind of attire
I was wearing and realized I was a man.
So, with less fear, I approached the bar.

There were wondrous, dusty bottles of
beer, unknown to me, encased in pieces
torn from old gunny sacks. There were
chests of all sorts, sizes and decor. I
wanted to stick about half of them in
my non-existent bra!

Told rather roughly by a domineering
type man, to 'get on with it,' I fancied 
he must be in charge of some crew. 
I picked up a bottle of beer and was
told by a young gal behind the bar
something along the lines of it was 
out of my price range. 'You'll not be
affording that one, matey!' I was left 
with the wanting of it.

Not knowing what I was supposed to
select for supposed impending voyage, 
nor clear on what my role was to be, 
I continued grazing, as I tend to think
of it. There were a few gowns that I
had no business checking out! Huge
amounts of material for . . . ladies of 
the night or just ladies?!

I tucked a couple bottles of unknown
booze under my arm, wondering if I
had the wherewithal to pay. The same
gal, this time looking approvingly at 
my choices, informed me that, 'ole
boss man' had already taken care of it.

Right about then I returned, somewhat
saddened, but grateful for the journey . . .

find myself bereft 
where have you been billy boy
questions and questing 

Sep 16, 2020

16 de septiembre del 1810.-

Hoy celebramos nuestra independencia . . .

 . . . y será marcada por día libre de trabajo
y escuela, vestimenta nacional, marchas en 
la calle, bailes y comidas mexicanas.

Muy sin embargo, no hay que olvidar jamás
el sacerdote Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, un
hombre quien demostró lo que es realmente
el VALOR!!! Me imagino que habrán muy
pocos quienes hubiesen tenido las agallas.
Francamente, me quedo atónita!!!

Obviamente, todos luchamos a diario por
nuestra libertad, por nuestros derechos, y
por tener una mejor vida para nosotros y
nuestras familias. Pero, también sé que es 
demasiado fácil olvidar el costo de esta
libertad que tomamos de hecho. 

Hoy, hago un pacto conmigo misma . . .
Acepto mi libertad pero recordando lo
que les costó a mis antepasados. Ruego 
que yo tenga, aún que sea, un poco del
valor que tuvieron ellos para que yo 
hiciera una vida que valga la pena.

pensándolo bien
las gracias no basta
vivir con honor

Sep 15, 2020


It's interesting to note, all these months
later, how the plague has affected the
social side of our lives. 

I imagine initially, we all stayed home
those first three months and ate whatever
was at hand. Then, little by little, we
ventured forth, masked to the nines, 
distance appropriate.

Now, I see so many out and about, often
no protection, returning slowly but surely
to life as they knew it. Me thinks we've
become inured to the danger.

On my end of the stick, I am finally 
getting to see the children . . . masked
and distant, but see them nonetheless.
The odd friend stops by, insistent on
bringing their own beer and even
avoiding snacks.

So, here's to elbow bumping, crossed
arms hugging, waves, phone calls and
e-mails. Staying in touch is indeed
important; perhaps now more than ever.

feeling all alone 
i find myself missing you
pray send a missive

Sep 14, 2020


It is ever so amazing, the things that bring
us back to our childhoods . . . 

A dear friend of mine visited me from my
home town and brought peaches to share.
From that unique scent, from the first bite,
I was transported back in time. 

My parents used to pack us up in the old
car and take us to the orchard. We picked
our own as that provided us with a cheaper
price. They they would wash the peaches,
slice them and lay them out on tables in a
greenhouse for them to dry. Healthy snacks
for all winter. My fave was to eat them
when they were just about half dry. Wow!

Then there was canning . . . mother always
insisted on 200 jars of different produce
all summer long. Apricots, plums, both
sweet and sour cherries, asparagus, green
beans. Beets and cucumbers to pickle . . .
Our kitchen was a sauna for the entire
season; make no mistake!

Still peaches were number one . . . raw,
dried, canned, smoothies, peaches on toast,
peach pie and peach cobbler. No wonder
I've been stepping down memory lane ever
since my friend walked in with the peaches!

what a temptation
me thinks twas peach enticed eve
the obvious choice

Sep 13, 2020


Me thinks I am born again . . .

Alas, last night I was once again attacked 
with this unknown malady. I was screaming
ill from 7:00 - 1:30 a.m. I truly believe I've
paid for all my sins, even those I have yet
to commit! I'm going to get right on that!

What is it about illness that returns us to a
childhood we thought we had left behind?!
I yelled at my father over and over, asking,
nay demanding, that he heal me. Poor man.
Must be how God feels when we take our 
angst, anger, issues, out on him!

Today, I'm fine. I'm going to make an attempt
though, to stay in touch, via remembering . . . 
but, oh how fast the mind forgives and forgets 
all! Not quite sure what to give up? Chile?
Hot peppers? Margaritas? Coronitas? Seconds?
Ya, I get it; 'tis my fault entirely!

oh body be mine
promise i will treat you right
if you believe that . . .

Sep 12, 2020


Morning of the day after . . .

Our hearts were beyond broken, and we
really couldn't believe we had survived.
How does one survive as the heart breaks
over and over again?!

Every year we hark back to that horrific
day and remember, but do we remember
to be better people? Do we remember to
strive to live peacefully? Do we remember
to be gentle, kinder, more thoughtful?

Today, we awaken to the morning of the
day after. What I want or need to face, as
I recall the horrors of yesteryear is . . .  
to be, to become, to grow. Alas, it's ever
so easy to forget. We get bogged down in
the every day mundanity of our lives and
put our promises to ourselves on the back

Today is that day! Today is the morning
of the day after! Time may be running out;
we must not wait any longer. BE who you
want to be! It's time to LIVE, not EXIST!!!

walk on the bright side
leaving that darkness behind
live and love in light

Sep 11, 2020

09/11/2020 - Remembering . . .

In sorrow, we remember . . .

I was in my first class of the day, some
three dozen teenagers before me, when
all of a sudden, the classroom television
came on and announced that tragedy of
tragedies . . . the entire world in sorrow.

We all know the stats. We can recall that
day as if it were only just happening. We
remember the heartbreak and that almost
fictional quality of unbelievable! Sooooo,
where do we go from here?!

Me thinks 'tis high time we birth a new
world. New ways of approaching issues.
New coping mechanisms. New patterns
of thought. New dreams to create. New
lives to be lived!

Nine eleven and all the heartbreak therein,
can never be eased nor erased. But we can 
choose to learn from it and build a better 
world, a world well worth living in.

Let's re-birth ourselves and truly become
who we want to be when we grow up!

dream dreams of better
be who we're meant to be 
never settling 

Sep 10, 2020


"There's a difference between knowing
the path and walking the path." ~Morpheus

I acknowledge that everyone's path is
different. I also accept that each of us
has been called to walk our paths at a
distinct point during our lives . . . and
no two paths are exactly the same.

Some are called to the ministry of
serving others. Few are gifted the lime
light where they can influence for either
good or bad. There are those who lead
quiet lives, ever in the background 
supporting others and making life 
more bearable. And alas, there are 
those who do not accept the call . . .

I pray I will always have the courage,
the wit and will, the wherewithal, to
accept that call and be true to myself.
May we all . . .

hearing my own call
step up stand up be counted
praying for courage

Sep 9, 2020


Ever since I found out about the upcoming
snow, I've been so angry I could spit! I was 
pissing, moaning and groaning like a spoiled 
brat! In my defense, I suffer from SADS and
frankly, would do most anything to delay the
onset of Winter.

Then, I remembered the fires . . . and I began
praying with the rest of the world for a truly
heavy snow. I realize of course, that initially
all I could think about was myself. I was and 
am ever so embarrassed by my incredible 
selfishness and insensitivity! Alas, that led me
to wonder how many other times I've been
angry or annoyed without looking at all sides
of each scenario.

It may be an over simplification to compare
my own shortcomings with world issues, but
I look at the tensions between countries, wars,
and misunderstandings and I ask . . . "Could 
it possibly be that we simply don't look at all 
sides of the equations?!"

I pray I grow up a tad and learn to look closely
before throwing another childish fit!!!

little miss tantrum 
how old did you say you were
grow up already

Sep 8, 2020


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
~Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz

Me thinks yesterday will ever be an epic
day in my own personal history! We
decided to have a sit down by the pond
and enjoy what might be the last of our
summer weather, when all of a sudden . . .

 . . . a sizable, black bear came sauntering
up our walk, straight toward us! We have
a system in place, so we got up calmly, or
not . . . and walked into the cabin. From
there, we could watch him checking things
out. Felt a bit weird having him walk right
by us with only a screen door in between!

He snooped back and forth and finally
went on up the trail. There's an old cellar
type cache right above us; we think a 
family of yesteryear probably kept some
of their supplies in it. Mr. Bear forced
his way in, bottom first, but didn't seem 
to find anything of interest.

He finally sauntered off and we returned
to enjoy the last visages of warmth . . .

day of miracles
ms nature strutting her stuff
ever be in awe

Sep 7, 2020


Traveling due East at o' dark thirty this
a.m. we were witnesses to a breathtaking
miracle of our Mother Earth. It felt like
Mr. Sun was playing peek-a-boo because
all of a sudden, he raised his head just
above the mountains before us. It wasn't
long before he displayed himself in all
his glory . . . simply unbelievable!

Alas, due to the smoke coming our way
from the California fires, he was a stunning
burnished orange and one could look straight
at him and even keep the eyes fixed on him.
I actually found myself tearing up over this
magnificence before us.

I must confess, I am a lunar child by nature
and although I love and appreciate the sun,
I am so in awe of our Lunar mother that
sometimes I simply take Father Sun for 
granted. NOT today, however! Me thinks
that I'll never forget today's fashion show
for as long as I live . . .

a celestial dance
so pleased to be invited
bowing heads in awe

Sep 6, 2020


"Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown.
Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus."

Ran across this one and nigh onto laughed 
myself into hysterics! Frankly, I find myself
asking, 'Do we ever change? Do we ever grow?
Do we ever grow up? Do we ever, ever dismiss
that negativity and bad habits or are we just
faking it and convincing ourselves we're doing
a bit better?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

At this wondrous age of 70, I cast the odd glance
across the eons of my life hoping to find a pattern
of growth and change. What I actually see, is a
younger, freer me with some of the above, but
mostly, I am ME!!!

Perhaps, what I should be seeking rather than
growth and change . . .  a greater acceptance
and understanding of both myself and others! 
Maybe the answers I am seeking, lie in the
realm of patience rather than transformation?!

I don't think that means, 'To hell with it; I'm
going to be me and that's that!' Rather, learning
to accept myself and my foibles with the same
grace as I do in other people. Certainly worth

i am who i am
just when i was having fun
must grow up sometime

Sep 5, 2020


"I'm so lonesome, I could cry." ~Hank Williams

I've always been mind-boggled by how one can
feel lonely in a crowd, and yet it happens. It
seems to me that the loneliness felt must stem
from a sense of not being part of the whole.

Obviously, there are times when the crowd
around you is unknown to you, as in shopping
or watching a movie at the theater on your own.
Another scenario is when you find yourself at
a social gathering and you're the only one who
happens to have opposing political views. Or
perhaps you're the only one who isn't married
with children. Somehow, you're separated from
the group by a single factor.

I imagine that in relationships, similar feelings
arise when the other is bogged down with work
or problem-solving. In today's world, we often
don't even know our neighbors, nod our heads
in greeting rather than speaking. And, if you're
not one to go to a church, a particular club or 
fraternity, it's yet another isolating factor.

Some would say, 'Join in!' I'm more of the idea
to become comfortable with yourself. Itemize 
your traits, the things you like about yourself.
DO the things you enjoy rather than sitting
home wishing you had someone to do them
with. Get up! Dress up!! Get out and about!!!

Me thinks you'll find others seeking you out
once you've become comfortable with yourself.
You may even find that you prefer your own

alone not lonely
good company on my own
tis a conundrum 

Sep 4, 2020


"Water, water everywhere . . .
 . . . and not a drop to drink."
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ponder the gift of water . . . not necessarily
one we think about on a daily basis. When
I lived on the West coast of Mexico, I had
to boil our water or buy bottled water in
5-gallon carboys. Interestingly enough,
the further south I moved, the cleaner the

In my 130 year old cabin, you absolutely
can NOT have but one water running. You 
can shower, flush, wash clothes or dishes, 
but one at a time. Were someone to try this
whilst another is showering, suddenly you
would be stranded, water free, with soap
on your body and shampoo in your hair!

I consider that right now I'm on a kind of 
H2O mini-vay.  (Think I'll coin the term!)
Someone can be washing dishes, a couple 
of others in the showers, yet another flushing, 
and NO DIMINISHMENT of flow anywhere!
Miracle of miracles, make no mistake . . .

a gift of the gods
the element of water 
gratitude abounds

Sep 3, 2020


"I'm just a lover of words who is beautifully
broken and so grateful to be sill among so
many strong and brave warriors who have
faced demons and survived unspeakable
hells that others dare not speak of . . .
~Coleen C Kimbro

There are those who simply accept themselves
as they are; indeed, they may be the happiest
people on the planet. Then, there are some
who really don't care much, one way or another;
they just get on with 'it' without much thought.
And finally, there are a few who question all,
accept some things, strive to grow . . . L I F E
being a very serious proposition for them.

God only knows whether this has something
to do with reincarnation, personal growth or
that fetish some are born with. Alas, I am of
the latter persuasion. "Will my actions affect
that greater scheme of life? Is this selfish or
nourishing? Can this turn of events facilitate
someone else's life? What is my duty to my
family, my friends, acquaintances, or the
world that surrounds me?

Where, or where, can I get answers? Who
can help me with my queries? When will
ultimate wisdom finally set in? Will I ever
be who I'm supposed to be when I grow up?"

Alas, I'm at that time in my life where I
question everything and live on the verge
of despair because I am afraid I'll never
reach those personal goals. God help me!

praying for wisdom
searching every avenue
seeking truth at cost

Sep 2, 2020

09/02/2020 - World Goddess Day

As today is World Goddess Day, thought
I would address a couple of things you
may not have been privy to heretofore.

You will hear women particularly, saying
things like, 'I am a goddess. I honor the
goddess within,' etc. This does not mean
they are necessarily Pagan by creed. Most
women are trying to come to terms with
personal growth, honoring self and being
who we always wanted to be when we
grew up.

There are many goddesses known to us
today, obviously due to research and
historical accuracy. There is a pagan
adage, 'All goddesses are one goddess;
all gods are one god; the goddess and
the god are one God." (Please note the
punctuation.) I think of the Christian
God, who has more than 800 names
attributed to Him in The Holy Bible; it
means something to me. I have around
13 or so myself . . . mom, mother, teach,
ms. j, Linda-Dale, ld, cuz, cuñada, prima.
You get the point.

So today, no matter your belief system,
take a moment to honor your own spiritual
guide within . . . 

 . . . and, may the force be with you!

ye of many names
the center of my being
be with me ever

Sep 1, 2020


Happiness is when what you think,
what you say, and what you do are
in harmony. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Here I am at o' dark thirty, awaiting a
decent hour to get up and face the day.
Thought I'd take a look at our infamous
FB and discovered the above treasure.

What a man, our Mahatma Gandhi! A
sage of the ages. How I long to obtain
this peace, if not happiness, ere I leave
this earth bereft of this wisdom.

I like to think I mostly control my mouth
and even what I do to some degree. But,
the whole thinking thing is way out of
control. It feels like my mind is paging
through a catalogue of every single topic
known to mankind . . . and not all of it
is pleasant.

I like to think in terms of new beginnings
and here we are, September first and just
four months left in 2020. Pray I have the
courage to embrace the challenge Gandhi 
has left behind . . .

ambition for life
think say do in harmony 
making the effort