Apr 20, 2020


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
~English Nursery Rhyme

I've often wondered about 'broken'. I imagine
we've all been there, one way or another.
The loss of a child, a spouse, a parent . . .
The end of a love that sustained us . . .
A home taken away, life as we knew it,
shattered. Broken . . .

Obviously, you think you'll never get over
it, never heal. The pain is too great to ever
go away. That said, it has also been said
that TIME is the great healer. Yet, there
have been those occasions when I feel there
isn't enough time in the entire universe to
heal me, to deal with my sorrow.

I believe it's a mistake to blow it off. The
other extreme, drowning in sorrow for the
rest of your life isn't healthy either. Perhaps,
the answer lies in balance. Take a long hard
look at the sorrow you are experiencing.
Acknowledge it, honor the pain, go through
it. Your pain, your sorrow is real; don't
down play it! But, don't come to enjoy it

Then, it's time to seek healing. We are
each different. Some will find solace in the
church, others in nature, others in play.
Your healing is as important as the pain
that requires it. Seek the healing, allow
the healing to do its work, and then, and
only then, let it go. You have a life to live;
live it!

my heart cries for you
my soul sings out its sorrow
seeking endurance

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