Jun 20, 2018


A day most amazing . . . an unexpected box
of wine arrived from my wine company. As I
only get four boxes a year, I called them up
and asked what was the occasion. Turns out
they had asked, via e-mail, if I would like said
special promotion box. As I didn't reply no, the
box was sent. Interesting way of doing business.
So, I think I'll cancel my membership with them

From there, perhaps bad to worse, my cousin
split a small caramel with me. She explained
what it was and insisted 'small dosage, and only
half after all'. I think it could be said, MJ virgin
that I am, that I was gifted with an experience.
I overreacted to something with my man, left
the bedroom, but that wasn't enough. I drove
off in a huff to Walmart and we all know I loathe,
abhor, hate, despise, spit on commerce per se,
but Walmart?! `¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠

I returned home; the effects passed and I realized
what must have happened. I explained my epiphany
to my man and he actually tended to agree with me.
Perhaps the episode will be overlooked, if not
actually forgiven.

an experience
learning me in my dotage
tis personal growth

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