Jun 6, 2018


What a delicious day! Truly watching
Our Lady Arcadia coming together is
tantamount to viewing a birthing. My
son located one last box of books for
me yesterday. At first I was annoyed
as I had already finished that part of
the library. But truly, it ended up a
pleasure looking at each book, a yay
or a nay in the keeping of it, the
careful placing of it on the shelves,
observing the name tag and if there
were several by the same author,
making certain they were in order
as written. Step back, and wonders
to behold! Pull up a chair and simply
delight in the process as much as the
finished product. A library is born!
And her name is ARCADIA!!!

holding books in hand
the gift of the written word
boon of a lifetime

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