Feb 29, 2024

02/29/2024 - Leap Year

One of my favest days ever . . .
 . . . Leap Year simply feels 
like pure magick!

Perhaps it has something 
to do with only coming every 
four years. Maybe it's all about 
those fantastical tales told out 
of school.

For me, it's a day of healing.
How so?

Some things in our personal
lives are so hard to deal with;
we put them on a back burner
and try to forget all about them.

Somehow, when this special
day rolls around, we gather up
our courage and face some of
those difficult things.

Having not looked at them in
ever so long, perhaps they no
longer matter. On the other 
hand, we face them. Take a
long, hard look and deal.

I have rarely been hurt by a
friend, praise god! But, there
are a few times and oh how it
hurts. More so perhaps, as I've
been nursing the pain for years.

Leap Year gives me the courage
to let it go . . . or at least give it
a try. Still hurts, but I shouldn't
allow the pain such a prominent
place in my life.

Sooooo, here's wishing us all a
phenomenal day. And, let's give
healing a chance . . .

Feb 28, 2024


"One with nature, one with soul."
~Angie Weiland-Crosby

I will be forever grateful to my
parents for rearing me with a 
love for Mother Nature.

Every weekend picnics, rides 
and hikes. Sometimes others 
would join us, most enjoyable!

My fave times would be a picnic
up on Glade Park, followed by a
hike. Then the surprise would

Daddy packed all the camping 
equipment without us knowing.
The tents in those days were a
piece of work; make no mistake.

It took all of us holding corners
while daddy put in the poles and
staked the edges. My brother and
I were simply overjoyed. 

We camped so much that my
parents had an organized system
for putting everything together.
Dad would do all the cooking as
mom always said she cooked at
home so he could cook whilst

I especially loved roasting 
marshmallows and storytelling
at the end of the day. Bottom
line . . . 

 . . . I love that my parents gave
us so many fond memories.

Feb 27, 2024


"Life is short, break the rules.
Forgive quickly, kiss slowly.
Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably
and never regret anything that
makes you smile." ~Mark Twain

I've been reading Mark Twain
since I was six years old . . .

Why, oh why, have I never seen
this quote until now?! Sage advice.
So wish I had captured this bit of
wisdom in my soul about a hundred
years ago.

Looking back, not sure I would
really change anything. Might lose
that pesky gift of guilt though.

So loved my 20 years in Mexico.
My 40 years of teaching. The births
of my children and watching them
come to fruition. 

These elder years have their issues,
but they sure beat the alternative. I
really don't mind being in my early
70's, I mean 100's. I'm living and

Now, if I can only keep my head on
straight . . . but, not too straight!!!

Feb 26, 2024


"Keep your eyes on the stars
and your feet on the ground."
~Theodore Roosevelt

Came across this bit of wisdom
yesterday. It really touched me.

As an extremely unbalanced
Libra, methinks I could use
this as an everyday guide.

Truly, part of me is ever and
always in the heavens and 
the other, firmly rooted in the 

The thing I most appreciate is
that this honors both sides of
the brain, of life, of moi . . .

Perhaps the lesson I need to 
learn is to be accepting of both.
Honor both. Enjoy both.

Never thought I'd be learning
bits and pieces of wisdom from
a long departed Republican 

I am both wowed and grateful!

Feb 25, 2024


Oh, I do so love awaking at 
o' dark 30 and taking a peek 
at the full moon!

This one, appropriately named
Snow Moon, was a humungous
bright, bright yellow. I swear, 
I felt tears cloud my eyes.

Anyone who knows me also
knows I'm more than a bit of 
a moon fan. Okay, make that
moon fanatic!

As I've shared before, one
of the things I love about the 
moon cycles, they keep me
focused on personal growth.

From the new moon, as it
grows daily towards the full
moon, I am reminded to work
on those things I wish to add
into my life, i.e. meditation,
exercise, good eats, etc.

Then, from the full moon, as
it diminishes daily towards
the new moon, I work on the
things I wish to lessen in my
life, i.e. overeating, drinking,
depression, etc.

Ms. Luna, old, old soul that
she is, doesn't necessarily
attract one and all. Still, most
people enjoy that quick peek.

For moi, it's all about keeping
me on my path for daily growth
and personal joy . . .

Feb 24, 2024


"No more thoughts, just vibes."

I like it; I get it . . . but how the
hell do you turn your mind off?

Don't know if it's because I'm a
Libra? A woman? An elder? But,
I bloody well know I can't seem
to shut my brain down.

Even when I try to go to sleep 
at night, can seem to find the off

I'm out and about with fam and/
or friends, and guess what? Mind
in full rev!

Then there's the fact our brains
have two sides. In my case, it 
means I have thoughts on one
and vibes on the other. No get 
out of jail free card.

Can't help but wonder if this is
the moment when I simply say,
"It is what it is . . . fuck it!"

I'm sooooo tired . . .

 - - -

"The most vital thing in spiritual
life is to be able to watch your 
own mind, so that the mind is not
controlling you." ~Eckhart Tolle

Feb 23, 2024


"The privilege of a lifetime is 
to become who you truly are."
~Carl Jung

Methinks we spend our entire
lives becoming . . .

Part of that may be intentional, 
even with good results. Another
part happens simply via that
natural osmosis that occurs in
everyone's life. 

Perhaps as we grow older, we
are granted the ability to face
these things and act w/greater

Or maybe, the gift of age is
that we are finally driven with
the need to become . . . become
who we truly are, should be, 
want to be.

I find myself at this point even
as we speak. Time to grow up,
to become, to be . . .

Wish me luck . . .

Feb 22, 2024


Just heard on the news that
today is National Margarita
Day. I'm actually surprised
they just didn't call it . . .
ld's Day!

My fave drink; make no
mistake! I've spent a lot of
years perfecting my own
recipe. Some say I use too
much tequila . . . not sure
there is such a thing.

I've gotten a kick out of
tasting different margs
wherever I go. By that, I'm
speaking of the original.
Not really into different
flavored margs. Rather
seems like a bastardization
of perfection somehow.

Some use Triple Sec, some
do not. Some make their 
own base whilst others buy
one of the many choices at
the liquor store.

I think perhaps my own
secret is using loads of lime.
Not thinking there is such  
a thing as too much lime!

Such fun! I hadn't planned
on having a tipple today, 
but as it's National Margarita
Day, methinks I have no choice!


Feb 21, 2024


"The world will judge you 
no matter what you do, 
so live the life you want." 
Empaths & Old Souls

I see real wisdom in the
above comment . . . yet, 
don't really recall any
particular incidents where 
this has happened to me.

People I am attracted to
or are attracted to me,
come into my sphere of
living. Seems to me that
those who aren't attracted
simply pay me no mind.

Can't help but wonder if
we don't simply pay too
much attention to what
others think about us. 
Don't see how it really

If I were giving out free
advice to the younger set,
it would be the same as
many elders before . . .
Stop paying attention to
what others think and just
be yourself.

Get over it already! Just
be you!

Feb 20, 2024


Black vs. dark . . .

I find myself in a vocab
quandary. Been reading  
a fun trilogy that uses the 
word black negatively.

Throughout the read, I kept
thinking to myself, "Why
doesn't the author use the
word dark rather than black?"

Black is beautiful! It's an
amazing color, my fave 
actually! And, it's the only 
color I wear. To say naught
about all my black friends.

Then, I start thinking about
the word dark. Dark is also
an amazing word. If you don't
believe me, just step outside
on the star-ridden night of the
full moon! Wow! Just WOW!

I like the dark of the moon,
first night of the blue moon.
I love dark chocolate! I even
enjoy the odd dark thought.

Sooooo, not sure where to go
from here. Guess both words
have their positive or negative
connotations according to use.

My apologies to the author . . .

p.s. I still love black!

Feb 19, 2024


"You don't have to be positive
all the time. It's perfectly okay
to feel sad, angry, annoyed,
frustrated, scared or anxious.
Having feelings doesn't make
you a negative person. It makes
you human." ~Lori Deschene

Seems my entire life, I have
strived to be positive . . . and 
now I read this bit of wisdom!

We all have a myriad of feelings.
It's natural. Frankly, it's coping! 
Not sure when all this push for
positivity began. I know being
positive is dead important. But,
it's also important to honor all

Maybe the answer is balance.
I'll give you that being positive
deserves first place whenever
possible. But, my dad died and
I'm grieving. Lost my wallet 
and I worry about my credit 
card. Not sure I can make it 
on my half retirement; makes 
me anxious!

Thinking it through, as long 
as they're valid, I will honor 
all feelings . . . being as positive
as possible, of course.

 - - -

"Lori Deschene is the founder of
Tiny Buddha, an online community
that enables participants to share
their experiences and insights to
help themselves and others. Since
launching the site in 2009, she has
helped over a thousand writers tell
their stories, attracting more than
three million monthly readers."

Feb 18, 2024


We had a lovely Valentine's 
Day four days ago! But, my 
guy decided we hadn't had 
enough Valentine time yet!

So yesterday he surprised 
me with a day of pure delight. 
After chilled champagne in 
bed, the fun began. Cold 
strawberries dipped in sour 
cream, then rolled in brown 
sugar. Oh my God! Takes 
yummy to whole other realms. 
Not to forget chocolate hearts 
for afters!

I think the thing that moves
me the most is that we've had
24 years together. I hark back
to our childhood . . . same
German grandmother caring
for us at three. Elementary 
and Jr. High together. That
first kiss and a summer of
dating . . . all leading to our

I so love our story . . .

Feb 17, 2024


"I want to leave my mark, but I
want to make it with my heart."
~A Shea

Casting my mind back to 40 years
teaching, 17 in Mexico and 23 in 
US, I wonder if I left my mark.

It's rare to hear from an old student,
or to find oneself honored by the
school district in which one served.

Maybe it comes down to simply
honoring oneself, cherishing one's
own memories and being grateful
for having been there, done that.

I have always felt I was chosen 
to teach. I fully intended to follow
nursing. Thank God, we were given
tests for Cognitive Abilities or I'd
have followed the wrong path.

Bottom line, I have loved teaching,
adored my students and ever so
thankful I was given the opportunity
to follow my path.

Fond memories . . .

Feb 16, 2024


"What a difference a day 
makes." ~Jamie Cullum

Methinks I've had this 
lyricist in my head all day!

We do the odd bit of sleep-
ing in as we're retired, not 
today. We were off to buy 
drinking water at the crack 
of dawn. Next bank, deposits, 
notary, signatures, followed 
by FedEx.

Did you know it costs just 
over a $100. to send a FedEx? 
Wow! And to think one can 
buy a case of almost anything
for a hundred bucks!

One of the things I like about
being an elder is that we only
go to town once a month. Not
sure I ever liked to shop, but
I'm not sure.

So, here's a thought . . . when
one has died on the vine of
shopping, surely one deserves
an FAC! Right?! In fact, what
are neighbors for if not for a
good old fashioned FAC from
time to time?!

Feb 15, 2024


Morning of the day after . . .

Yesterday was glorious! Lovely
reminder of what life could be 
like if we all tried hard enough!

Seems of late, I keep tuning in
to this sort of thing.  Might, just 
might have something to do w/
being about 100 years old.

So what? Maybe I simply need
to admit that I want to go out
better than I did coming in.

What does this sentiment mean?
Particularly for moi? Methinks
it might have something to do 
with choosing a couple of things
to work on and just blow off the

Not sure if I'm capable of the
above, but I'm going to give it 
a try.

So, I'm going to stop trying to
lose weight and rather use my
energy, or lack thereof, to doing
a better job of staying in touch
with fam and friends.

Think I'll leave worrying about
how I dress now that I'm retired,
and better spend my time going
thru my coats for the homeless
in winter.

Abandoning my joy in reading
murder mysteries, think I'll start
gifting some of my 7000 books.
And no, I'm not kidding!

That was way too easy. Am going
to think up some other of my sins
that need shining up . . . 

Feb 14, 2024

02/14/2024 - Valentine's Day

"Consider soulmates to also
be in the form of friends and
animals, wind, tides, plants, art
and the moon. Great love lives
everywhere." ~Victoria Erickson

One of the things I loved about
Valentine's Day in Mexico was
the fact it's called Friendship Day.
And, methinks Victoria Erickson
has the right of it.

I also enjoy how people pull out
their inner happy, greet each other
and tend to recall what love is all

Sooooo, be happy today! Greet
each other!! And remember . . .

 . . . "Great love lives everywhere." 

Happy Valentine's Day!

p.s. Guess who just brought chilled
champagne in bed? I am one lucky

Feb 13, 2024


"Knowledge rests not upon
truth alone, but upon error
also." ~Carl G. Jung

This brilliant bit of wisdom 
is one I tend to forget from
time to time!

And, didn't we all grow up
with that pesky phrase, trial
and error?

Often times, I can look at 
a given thing and suss out
right away the right and
wrong of it. But in other
cases, no clarity comes to 
mind; hence, that whole
trial and error adage. 

Alas, I probably fall in that
self-deluding category. "I'm
just not quite sure, think I'd
better try that on for size!"
(Ice cream for breakfast the
third day in a row?!)

Oh, it's alright . . . I tend to
sin on that whole serious side
of nature. Just as well I can 
be naughty from time to time.

Forget the wine! Bring a tad
of ice cream when you come
by for a visit!

Feb 12, 2024


"It's a wintry morning mix 
of coffee, caroling ravens 
and magical mischief." 
~Ann Marie Eleazer

Looking out the windows
early a.m. I see incredible
blankets of pristine white,
and even I must admit, pure

Not sure for certain, but
methinks my child within
might even want to go out
to play . . . maybe make a
snow angel even!

Still, the ole dame this side
of the door, doesn't even
want to go out for the mail,
much less go to town for

Part of me wishes the snow
would never be tarnished . . .
perhaps that child within.
But, the ole dame that is moi,
still awaits spring with bated

Now, bring me that magical 
mischief whilst I down my
coffee . . .

Feb 11, 2024


"On the wall of the parlor
were pictures of John F.
Kennedy, the current pope
and the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
~Nora Roberts

This invokes in me long-ago,
long-forgotten memories . . .

My parents had paintings by
my gran and traditional Jesus
pics. My own children, fab
pieces of art. I have sepia tone
ancestors as well as some art.

Is this a generational thing?
Peeking back occasionally, I
do see differences in decor. 
And, I may prefer the now, 
but mostly I enjoy how every
one does their own thing!

Can't help but wonder what's
on the walls of my heart? I
see pictures of my brother I
lost many years ago. So many
pictures of all my children at
every age of their lives. The
grans are featured, along with
my first great.

There are also special friends
and pages torn from the books
of my memories. What a gift!
Must be careful what I put up

Feb 10, 2024


"Bad chapters can still 
create great stories. Wrong 
paths can still lead to right 
places. Failed dreams can 
still create successful people." 
~Cynthia Thurlow

Seems I needed this little 
reminder this early morn.

Frankly, don't know if it's 
moi or Libras in general, but 
I'm ever and always striving 
for perfection and upset that 
I don't get it!

Perhaps, I'll just repeat 
Cynthia's words of wisdom
until I'm utterly comfortable
in my own skin and my own

Methinks I'll just stay abed
today and ponder the savvy
of her point of view . . .

Feb 9, 2024


"Ordinary is never beautiful . . .
To be beautiful, thou must be weird,
different, strange." Poetry Language

Actually, I do find beauty in the
ordinary. However, I simply adore
the weird, the different and the 

I remember well in high school, 
most of the kids made the effort 
to look similar, if not the same. 
I hung out with the different!

I can see us now . . . my friend
from Central America, a very short
Native American and his girlfriend,
a very tall Italian gal. Mr. Gorgeous
from Puerto Rico and moi . . . looks 
to me like we had the start of our 
own little United Nations!

Every now and then, I'll run into
an old dame that has herself tarted
up just right. I always compliment
and show my delight. Shame we
have to wait until we are old to 
become so bold.

I don't want to wait! I want to be
weird now . . .

(Actually, I did hear a rumor that
I'm thought to be quite out there!)

Feb 8, 2024


It comes to mind that the best
way to deal with SAD is to see

I spent yesterday with a dearest
and best and I could simply feel
the healing! I am beyond grateful.

Today, I get to spend time with 
my son and tonight with my bestie.
Tomorrow, a pair of the best gals
ever and this weekend . . .
 . . . d) all of the above.

I didn't plan it this way, just sort
of happened. But, as an antidote
for sorrow, 'tis fab!!!

I find myself particularly grateful
that these angels visit me in my
abode as I'm not allowed to drive.
Wow! Just WOW!!!

So, today's missive is a thank you
note to the universe . . . my heart
is full and even the sun shines a bit.

Feb 7, 2024


"Real is rare."

A much needed reminder!

Sometimes I think about all the
adjectives with which people
are defined . . .

 . . . beautiful, stunning, pretty
nice, lovely, ugly, hateful, boring,
caring, loving, gorgeous . . .

Still to me, real is best. I think
about its meaning . . .

-She's real; no artifice in her. 
-That old dame tells the real story.
-Give me real or give me nought!

Methinks we all understand real.
The problem is there isn't a lot of
it around. Rather makes me think
'tis our job to be real, strut our stuff
and show the world what real is 
all about.

Now that I'm on the other end of
life and finally sussing things out,
I'm going to go with real!

Now, if I can only remember that!

Feb 6, 2024


"It's okay to miss someone you
don't want back in your life."
~Jaime Sullivan

I'm ever in love with Memory
Lane. I much enjoy walking
down its path late at night and
taking a peek at the people and
places I have been.

It's not that I don't want them,
or even the old me, in my life.
It's simply that I don't live there
any more. Doesn't mean I don't
like to remember.

Interestingly enough, I find I 
miss bits and pieces, here and
there, both of me and old friends.

I'll recall a special event or a
conversation, a party or a chat.
And in these, a moment in time
passes before my eyes. Some-
times, this causes a chuckle and
others bring the tears.

So yes, I'm all about missing . . .

I miss me, I miss my family, I
miss old friends, I miss my old 
home in the country I so loved . . . 

 . . . most of all, I miss my dad!

Feb 5, 2024


Last water update . . . I promise!

Took my first shower this a.m.
Hardly any water coming thru
but one must start somewhere.
Bits of a black in the water 
along the lines of a pepper

I'm usually a 3 - 5 min shower
person. Might have something
to do with the vol of water. This
one took me more like 20 what
with it's little dribble.

But let me tell you, after nigh
onto three weeks w/o water, just
might have been the greatest
shower I've ever had!

Sooooo, onto bigger and better
things for the morrow . . .

Feb 4, 2024


"Water, water everywhere
and not a drop to drink."
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The dripping started yesterday
and I shared my joy, as you
must remember.

Today, a stronger drip . . . 
bright red, accompanied with
sludge. Methinks it might not
be long now.

I can remember when I used
to lust after other things, and
now . . . I dream of water, in
streams, in jugs, in brimming
cups. When I buy gallons of
the stuff, I buy many, many!

I'm halfway 'twixt and 'tween
begging the gods on bended
knee and shaking my fist at
them and demanding gushing

Water! WATER!! W A T E R !!!

Feb 3, 2024


Let there be . . . water!

Perhaps a very special
Imbolc gift to us. Some 
time during the night, cold
water returned, along with
a gynormous clump of 
mud that had been frozen . . . 

If I recall from last winter,
little by little, we'll be getting
both cold and hot in the jane.
Not sure I can even recall
what a shower felt like. Little
spit baths just don't quite do 
it for me!

I'm praying! I'm praying!

Feb 2, 2024

02/02/2024 - Imbolc

Can't help but wonder 
'bout me sometimes . . .

Today is Imbolc, halfway
'twixt and 'tween Winter
and Spring. So of course,
a dental appointment at
o' dark thirty; make that
7:00 a.m.

Stumbling through the ice
and snow, we make it to 
the car and on to the dentist.
Going on in, the gal says
to me, "Good morning,
Linda-Dale; what are you
doing here all bright and

Turns out, I didn't have an
appointment. My guy was
fab about it, but man!

Grrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Feb 1, 2024


Welcome February!!!

Trying to think here why I love
February so much!

Partly because we further away
from Winter, I suppose. But, I
bet the real reason has to do with
Valentine's Day. One of things I
enjoyed in Mexico was the fact
it was called Friendship Day and
you honored your friends rather
than just your mate.

And, crazy gal that I am, I like 
to celebrate the entire month. You
know; cards, letters, packages.
Pure fun!

I do think that any of you caught
reading this column today, should
send me more ideas! What say you?!

Sooooo love me some February